Masks To Exfoliate The Lips

We should not abuse exfoliants, as they can end up being counterproductive and eliminate the natural protection of the lips. Exfoliate them once a week and remember to hydrate often.

The lips are a delicate part of our body, which we do not always take care of as we should.  Hence, their appearance is not always the best. In this article, we explain the best home remedies and tips to help you exfoliate your lips. You will see how you manage to improve its appearance.

There are many factors that damage the skin of the lips. Dry weather, winter, lack of humidity, the consumption of certain foods and drinks, are some of them. Others are undoubtedly solar radiation, chlorine in swimming pools and saltpeter in seawater.

Thus, these tips should be kept in mind. We will explain how to exfoliate your lips with ingredients that you surely have at home. Using them will also save money.


Homemade ingredients to exfoliate the lips

1. Sugar

Sugar is one of the best natural scrubs. It is used to remove dead skin cells in general. Its use is ideal for taking care of such a delicate part of the body as the lips.  At the same time that it helps to eliminate dry skin, it delights with its pleasant flavor.

Preparation and application

  • Pour a teaspoon of granulated white or brown sugar with another of olive oil into a container.
  • Mix them until you get a kind of paste whose texture resembles that of coarse sand.
  • Apply the mixture to the lips, rubbing and massaging in movements that describe small circles. Do it gently to avoid irritation.
  • Rinse with lukewarm or lukewarm water.
  • Lastly, apply a lip balm or moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.

2. Exfoliate lips with baking soda

Along with honey, baking soda is a magnificent natural resource with which to exfoliate your lips.  Honey, for its part, is also an excellent antiseptic, which also has restorative properties.

For the most effective result, buy honey that is as pure as possible. The less liquid it is, the less amount of honey you will have to add to sweeten your infusions and desserts. And, to the same extent, you will also make its work as an exfoliator more effective. After its application, you will obtain a dry skin without scales.


The paste is obtained by mixing a teaspoon of honey, another of baking soda and a few drops of olive oil.


Once you have achieved a homogeneous mixture, apply it to the lips and leave it on for a few minutes. Then rinse or rinse with warm water and a cotton cloth. To finish, apply a little moisturizer or lip balm afterwards.

Coffee - Halitosis

3. Ground coffee, another natural exfoliant

This mask for exfoliating the lips is very similar to sugar. The difference is that it is gentler on the skin.

Preparation and application

Add a teaspoon of coffee to another of olive oil. (If you wish, you can add a little bit of refined sugar.)  Mix well and massage into lips in circular motions. Leave on for about 5 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. Finally, apply a good lip moisturizer.

4. Exfoliate your lips with Vaseline gel

Mix petroleum jelly, honey (sweetened and, if possible, organic) with a teaspoon of lip cream.  Mix all these ingredients with refined white sugar, in equal parts. If you have badly damaged lips, you could add more sugar. Thus, you will achieve that the exfoliating effect is even greater.


Hydrate the ingredients in a water bath to facilitate their integration. However, it is desirable that the resulting mixture is cold at the time of application. Dab a small amount on your lips with the tip of your index finger. And, massage on the lips for 1 minute. The massage should be gentle and should describe small circles. (Put it in a glass jar and keep it in the refrigerator when you are finished using it.) Then, rinse with warm water and pat dry.

It is recommended to apply it after bathing, when the lips are clean and stimulated by the hot water.

It is recommended that the application of all these masks be accompanied daily by a good balm with sunscreen. You could also use a lip moisturizer.

Lip care tips

Finally, we offer you several tips to make your lips look beautiful and healthy:

  • Do not abuse scrubs, homemade or not. If you use these treatments a lot, the skin will dry out, and you will get the opposite effect to what you want. Cracks, oozing, and pain could be some of the results of over-exfoliation.
  • Exfoliate at most once a week, even when your lips are badly damaged. The rest of the days you could use a special moisturizer for lips. It is also important that you use a piece of sterile cotton to clean the area after applying the mask. This will prevent possible infections caused by bacteria.

healthy.and.protected lips

  • Remember that natural scrubs do not have preservatives. That is, they are perishable. In any case, keep them in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks. Ideally, you should pack the preparation in a glass jar and cover it.
  • Keep in mind that your lips are like little sponges. If they lack moisture and are dry, the layer of dead cells becomes visible. Do not forget to protect them with a good balm, both in winter and in summer.
  • Avoid running your tongue over your lips.  Saliva has enzymes that can affect your delicate skin. It is also not advisable to tear off the small pieces of tissue that rise from the surface as a result of little care. You will only be able to hurt and weaken that delicate area.
  • Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. This is important not only for displaying healthy lips. Being well hydrated is something that every part of your body will appreciate. It’s hot or cold, try taking a bottle of water with you. In summer or when you do physical exercises outdoors, increase your consumption to 12 glasses a day.

You already know how easy and inexpensive it can be to exfoliate your lips. It is enough to use no more than once a week, ground coffee, baking soda and sugar. And remember: don’t stop drinking 2 liters of water a day. Your lips will thank you.

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