Learn To Massage And Exfoliate Your Skin

The skin is a very delicate part of our body that usually suffers from external aggressions, it shows the passage of time and also reflects our health. That is why it is important to take care of it with a good diet. But we can also directly care for the skin in a natural way.

Next, we explain what type of care and massage we can apply to our face in a very simple way to try to activate the regeneration of the skin and thus obtain a clean, hydrated and luminous complexion.

Caring for and massaging the skin is essential.

Exfoliation of dead cells

Did you know that the skin has the ability to renew itself ? This process occurs approximately every 28 days: the job involves getting rid of dead cells and activating new ones. This allows the skin to appear smooth and hydrated.

However, over the years, this process begins to slow down, with dead cells being deposited on the surface and making the skin look dull, rough and even aged. For this reason, exfoliation is often recommended.

Luckily, there is a wide variety of exfoliating ingredients whose application would help to clean and eliminate those accumulated dead cells. In this article we explain how to prepare peels with homemade ingredients according to each skin type.

As the skin is a very delicate area, we will always do it gently and in the form of circles. We will avoid the eye contour and possible wounds or very inflamed pimples.

Note : Natural remedies, in this case natural exfoliants, can cause allergies. It is always advisable to consult with a professional before using any of these options.

With what do we massage the skin?

To massage it is usually recommended to use a vegetable oil, since with its unctuous texture they would not dry quickly like most moisturizers. In general, it is considered that the oils to use according to the type of skin would be:

  • Dry: almond oil and / or apricot kernel oil.
  • Mixed : coconut or olive oil.
  • Fat:  jojoba or grapeseed oil.
  • Mature: argan oil.
  • Acne: pumpkin or hemp seed oil.

Exfoliate step by step

1. The forehead

We will start by massaging the forehead horizontally, imitating the gesture as if we wanted to open the forehead from the center out, to the temples, using all the fingers. Later, we will do the same movement but making very small circles with the fingertips.

2. The eye contour

We must massage the skin around the eyes very carefully.

This delicate area is where the first wrinkles, dark circles or bags usually appear. We must treat her with special affection and gentleness. Starting at the inner root of the eyebrows, we will press making small, almost imperceptible circles and we will follow the route towards the outer part of the eyebrow. Then, we will descend and follow the entire contour until we reach the beginning of the eyebrow again.

When finished, we will rub our hands to warm them up and we will rest our closed eyes on the palm of our hands. This massage, known as patting, is very relaxing and helps us relax our tired eyes.

In addition, if we have dry eyes, we will blink several times in a row and finally, we will close our eyes tightly and then relax them.

3. The nose

The nose is, according to facial reflexology, a reflection of the spine. We will massage the tip of the nose with the palm of the hand, which corresponds to the base of the spine. Afterwards, we will make little circles going up from the top to the top.

4. The cheeks

The cheeks are essential to show a healthy appearance. Depending on their color and texture, the face rejuvenates or ages a lot in appearance, so we must also massage them often. We will start by patting gently to activate circulation.

Next we will locate the cheekbone bone and we will press it lightly with our fingers, starting next to the nose and ending almost at the ear. This area is often tightened and is also believed to influence the quality of vision.

5. The lips

The lips can also be exfoliated but very gently, and every two weeks. Above all we must constantly hydrate them. To massage them we can put them inside and squeeze them well, and then take them out as much as we can. We can also make them vibrate and massage them horizontally with both hands. In a short time we will see how they seem more voluminous.

6. The chin

In the chin we will do a massage similar to that of the forehead, as if we wanted to open the chin from the center,  following the entire line of the lower jaw.

7. The neck

The neck is also part of the face, so we also recommend exfoliating and moisturizing it regularly to try to minimize the signs of sagging. We will massage it using the entire palm of the hand, insisting a lot on the area below the chin, where the double chin usually appears, to activate circulation well and eliminate toxins.

Now that you know these techniques to massage and exfoliate your skin, what are you waiting for to try them?

Images courtesy of MyTudut, Wildbeauty, and The Style PA.

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