6 Flowers With Excellent Benefits For Your Health

Did you know that there are flowers that, in addition to being ornamental, can help us add extra nutrients to our dishes? We can consume them directly or prepare different sauces

It may seem like a strange idea to use flowers for more than just a decoration or a gift, but the truth is that there are many flowers with excellent benefits to your health.

You can use them in different ways, from infusions to healing ointments to obtain their benefits . But have you ever thought about eating them?

This time we will talk to you about the flowers  that we do not usually consume but that will give you excellent nutrients.

Although it may seem something exotic, the reality is that in ancient times eating flowers was one of the most common things.

How to prepare flowers with excellent benefits for your health?

Salads with flowers, sprouts and seeds

Before continuing, we must clarify a very common question: Can edible flowers be bought? The answer is yes, you can buy them, but not just anywhere.

It is recommended that you buy them in specialized places for this purpose or that you grow them to make sure that they have not been sprayed with pesticides and any other type of chemical harmful to health.

Read on and discover some flowers with excellent health benefits that you are sure to love once you try them.

1. Marigold flower ( Tagetes erecta )

The marigold flower is a flower found in Central American countries, but it is native to Mexico. It blooms annually and is representative of the celebration of the Day of the Dead.

Today it is only used as an ornament on this incredible date, but it was used by the ancient Aztecs as part of their healing rituals to help fight:

  • Intestinal parasites
  • Colic
  • Indigestion
  • Stomach aches

It can be cooked to accompany meat dishes, sauces and stews or tortillas, among other Mexican dishes.

In case you are from another country where sauces or tortillas are not common, you can prepare a cream with this flower, in the same way that you make it with broccoli or carrots.

2. Basil

basil flower

Although the basil plant is very common in the kitchen, this time we are referring to its flower, which can be white or purple.

The flavor of the basil flower is milder than the plant and can be used to add a touch of flavor to meals or salads.

Due to the softness of its taste, this will not be used to season pasta or pizzas but it will be used for foods in which you want a more delicate flavor.

The basil flower helps to:

  • Control the stress.
  • It is antibacterial.
  • It has antifungal effects.
  • It is an antioxidant.

3. The nasturtium ( Tropaeolum majus )

Nasturtium is one of the most common flowers for cooking, especially in Mexican food.

It is characterized by its very bright yellow colors. When cooked, it gives a sweet flavor at the beginning and ends with a spicy touch.

Nasturtiums are served in salads, can be used to roll cheese or pickle.

It is a flower with excellent benefits to your health, since:

  • Supports proper heart function
  • It is an antioxidant
  • Helps with blood pressure
  • Helps with urinary infections
  • Eliminate the bronchitis

4. Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums are well known as an ornament within the home and one of the favorite plants to bring life and color to gardens.

These plants have antioxidant properties, help nasal congestion , are relaxing and help control blood pressure.

You can eat them:

  • Crude in salads
  • In drinks, to highlight flavors like with orange juice.
  • To enhance the flavors in some sauces, such as tomato.

5. The sunflower


The sunflower flower has excellent benefits for your health because:

  • It directly helps the urinary system, since it facilitates the expulsion of grit in the kidneys.
  • It has antibiotic properties and is a diuretic.
  • It is a natural and antipyretic expectorant, making it ideal for fighting colds and flu.

Sunflower petals have a taste that varies between bitter and sweet , and are often used in vegetable-based dishes or pasta.

The petals usually have tiny hairs that you must remove with a good wash before consuming them.

6. The pumpkin flower

In addition to being delicious, pumpkin flowers are very versatile when it comes to cooking. In their raw state they are 90% water, vitamins A, B and C, phosphorus, potassium and iron.

You will have already noticed why it is part of the flowers with excellent benefits to your health.

To consume them, just wash them very well, clean them and cook them in the way you prefer:

  • Baked
  • Stuffed with cheese and weathered
  • In soup
  • Like salad
  • In drinks or infusions

Remember that before using any flower, petal, stem or plant to consume it, you must first wash it with plenty of water to remove any residue of sand or dust.

If you take these plants directly from your garden, it will be enough to wash them like any other vegetable or fruit.

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