What Are The Benefits Of Consuming Saffron?

Famous for giving aroma and color to paella and other foods, saffron is a condiment that has been used often both in gastronomy and in alternative medicine for various purposes. Could you say what are the benefits of consuming saffron? Don’t worry, we will also comment on them below, as well as other interesting information.

For years – and even today – saffron has been known as “red gold”, mainly because of its high cost, which in turn is a consequence of the type of production. For this reason, there have always been various counterfeits. So, watch out for this! Not all that glitters is gold.

More about saffron

Saffron, anise and other spices.

According to a recently published review: “Saffron is a remarkable medicinal and spicy plant due to its powerful scent and intense natural yellow color.” Mainly due to its particular combination of phytochemicals, which have been investigated on more than one occasion. In addition, the authors comment on the following:
  • Saffron appears to be a selective cytotoxic plant, but its mechanism is not clearly determined.
  • Clinical trials have been conducted to evaluate the efficacy of saffron in patients with mild to moderate depression, and have found it to be more effective than placebo and at least equivalent to therapeutic doses of imipramine and fl uoxetine.
  • Saffron extracts can prevent retinal damage as a dietary supplement and play a role in the treatment of ischemic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration.
  • Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities have been detected in saffron stigmas and petals.
  • In studies in rabbits, a decrease in cholesterol and triglyceride levels and a reduction in vascular damage were observed when hyperlipidemic rabbits were treated with coccetin. Hypoxia in the vascular wall was also reduced. However, in another study, 400 mg / day (for 7 days) of saffron showed no effect on the lipid profile of healthy volunteers.

    In another recent study, it is noted that saffron has been studied on multiple occasions because it has been attributed sedative and antioxidant properties, mainly.

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    Possible benefits of consuming saffron

    Although there is still much to research on this striking flower plant, alternative medicine has already discussed the possible benefits of consuming saffron as a complement to a healthy lifestyle.

    It would favor the digestive system

    It is said that if you use saffron as a spice in food, you will be taking advantage of many of its advantages. Thanks to its bitter components:

    • It would stimulate the digestive system.
    • It would increase salivary and gastric secretions.
    • It would stimulate the production of bile.
    • It would be an excellent eupeptic remedy.

    People with digestion problems, lack of appetite, dyspepsia, etc. they can add a touch of saffron to the diet to improve themselves. To do this, it is recommended to consume 0.5 grams of saffron before meals (not exceed 1.5 grams daily).

    Could reduce menstrual cramps

    On the other hand, it is said that saffron could relieve menstrual pain and prevent uterine cramps, since it is considered to act as an antispasmodic. You can consume 0.5 grams of saffron in 200 milliliters of milk or hot water up to twice a day.

    Provides antioxidants

    The main component of this spice is crocin , a natural antioxidant that can help fight free radicals, responsible for causing premature aging of cells.

    To obtain this benefit, it is not necessary to consume too much. It is enough to consume it regularly within a balanced diet.

    Saffron in a glass jar.

    It can help to have a good memory

    Due to its contribution of antioxidants, it is considered that saffron could help improve cognitive abilities, being in turn a complement for those who suffer from stress and anxiety.

    According to alternative medicine, it would be appropriate to drink a cup of infusion made with 0.5 grams of saffron per 250 milliliters of boiling water to have a good memory, relax and mitigate stress and anxiety.

    Improves vision

    Sight is closely related to the nervous system. Therefore, it is considered that saffron can be very good to prevent some eye disorders. Not only for its antioxidants but also for the safranal that gives it that characteristic aroma and slows down the degeneration process of the light receptor cells, improves the functions of the retina and the blood vessels of the eyes.

    Now that you know something more about the benefits of consuming saffron, will you dare to try it or will you just leave it for paella? It’s up to you!

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