Walking In A Straight Line You Won’t Get Any Further

Although it seems contradictory, walking in a straight line does not go any further. Along the way there are forks and new trails that need to be explored. Encourage that the road is more winding but that it takes you further.

We are in a world of options where you choose your own destiny. There is no predetermined straight line to follow here.

Read also Value people when you have them, not when you lose them

Walking in a straight line, you’ll get caught

When we commit ourselves to something, if we only consider our own opinion and are stubborn, if we move forward without looking to the side, we will find ourselves in a dead end.

What are you going to do? Will you get stuck, trying the impossible?

You cannot conceive going back. Then you will crash against that wall over and over again without considering other options.

Let yourself go from time to time. Not everything should be perfect, as planned. Watch for an unexpected change along the way.

There are always other options

two ways

Now you feel trapped and see no solution. People who often feel this way can fall into victimization, complaining, and self-pity. Feeling sorry for yourself won’t do you any good. Allow anger and rage to surface, either.

In your hands is the possibility of getting out of that alley where you have only gotten into. Do you want to know how to do it?

  • Listen to the opinions of others. Pay attention to what other people tell you. That can help you see your own path from different perspectives.
  • Then, you will have a broader vision with a diversity of options and plans in case something does not work out.
  • Not everything goes well. You must be ready to make a mistake, or for what you have put so much effort to collapse at any moment. It is not bad luck. This happens and is normal. You have to be ready to accept it and take a new path.
  • Always have a plan B: Your main path is plan A, but this may have no way out. So it is your responsibility to come up with a plan B so that you can move on if something goes wrong.

If it can’t be, it won’t be

Even if you are very clear about what you want to achieve, and even have a plan B just in case, it is important that you be aware of whether or not what you want to achieve is possible.

Sometimes we feel terribly active and eager to achieve what we want. However, sometimes we also get blinded.

Let’s take as an example that you want to start a relationship with a person you like. However, this individual has already told you that this is not possible.

You are walking in a straight line, you have encountered a barrier and still they keep banging their heads against that wall. It may be pride or obsession. What is certain is that this will not make you happy and will cause you great pain.

It does not matter if this happens to you in the world of your partner, in other types of relationships or in the workplace. You cannot hold onto something that is not safe. Because in this life nothing is.

Walking in a straight line will only disappoint you. So try to be more positive and open-minded. Not everything will be perfect the first time.

Remember that life is like the roads. Some have trails, others, small paths, many, barely defined places little explored … You decide to stay trapped in that area all your life, without being able to leave until you have no other. But by then you will be shattered.

Don’t be afraid to  turn around and choose to take an unknown course. So, yes you will go far.

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