Beware Of Highly Dangerous Relationships

Maintaining healthy and lasting affective relationships is something that many of us want. However, we know that sometimes it is difficult to find that ideal person. Also, there are times when we unintentionally make mistakes. These are mistakes that hurt us, plunging us into the bonds of relationships with an affective style that can seriously damage our health.

We will explain it to you below.

Affective styles that it is advisable to avoid

We know; We can’t always choose the people we fall in love with… it just happens. We simply let ourselves go and commit ourselves to personalities that, far from bringing us balance and happiness, make us suffer.

We invest time, hope and high emotional costs. Our self-esteem is fraying little by little, we feel empty and disappointed, despite continuing to love that person in question.

However, you have to be careful and react in time. Remember that your emotional health comes first, and that if you don’t feel good, if unhappiness is going to catch you little by little, you must react in time before you end up breaking even more inside.

It is worth knowing then the affective styles that you should avoid, or at least, take them into account for our good. It costs nothing.

1. Harassing love

Surely you recognize these people: they are profiles who always seek to be the center of attention either with their partners or with the rest of the people around them. They are the main focus where to centralize needs, ideas and purposes. They do not usually take their partners into account, and if they do, it is through blackmail. They are dominant, possessive, and at the same time give the image of a certain victimhood. They demand a lot of attention and a lot of love, but it is a selfish love that causes harm to their partners.

2. Mistrustful love

The very word says it. They are people to whom, no matter how much we show our love, they never have enough or they don’t believe us. They are jealous, and distrust almost everything, what we tell them and what we show them…. because they will always find something with which to feel that eternal suspicion. The affection they give us is very ambiguous, they do not know how to show it and neither receive it, since they think they are going to be betrayed. Loving people like this implies a high emotional exhaustion.

 3. Subversive love

They are saboteurs. Skillful strategists who manipulate us so that we love them in their own way. They dominate us and veto our freedom, even being ourselves. They want to be loved “in their own way.” And this also implies that they need some freedom not to feel “tied”, hence that sometimes they see it as normal even to betray us and go with other couples. It is something that ends up hurting the people who are with them a lot. We must be careful.

4- perfectionist love

Nothing you do is going to be enough for them. They are picky, meticulous, they have their own vision of things and they expect everything, absolutely everything, to be done according to their ideas and patterns.  They are also very rigid relationships and full of emotional costs for you. They are also people who look down on others, who make fun and who, day by day, diminish our self-esteem.

5. The detached or indifferent love

You may have encountered this kind of affectionate style at some time. They are cold people who do not know how to transmit emotions, who do not hug, who do not know how to caress. ..

People who fall in love with these profiles tend to suffer greatly, since they love people who are unable to show affection and who isolate them emotionally.

They are destructive relationships. In them there is no reciprocity and, no matter how hard we try, we do not receive what we need, love.

They excuse themselves by saying that they need autonomy and independence, and their right to privacy. But in reality, what these people do is build walls preventing them from being loved. And what is worse, causing damage and great psychological wear. We must be careful.

We hope we have been of help to you, more than anything to illustrate those affective styles that cause more pain than happiness. We know that nobody can control who falls in love with, but there will come a time when you will open your eyes and you must decide. And think that your stability, your integrity and your happiness, always comes first. Remember, you deserve the best!

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