Tips To Keep Good Breath Always

Bad breath is a very unpleasant characteristic. Here are some ways you can combat it.

Few things are more unpleasant or uncomfortable than talking to someone with bad breath. If you are the one who suffers from halitosis, you already know how embarrassing this problem can be. You may have tried chewing gum, but if it’s a problem that persists, follow our tips for good breath.

Floss daily

Brushing our teeth is part of the daily routine, but not all of us floss. If you don’t use it, the food stays between your teeth and feeds the bacteria that inhabit your mouth, as this article published in Medifam points out.  This increases your problem, which is difficult to combat with just the toothbrush, paste and rinse.

When brushing your teeth, don’t forget about your tongue. Use a special brush for this purpose and prevent plaque from forming.

Increase your water consumption


Many don’t even consider it, but dehydration is one of the main causes of halitosis, as this report by one of the doctors from the Work Center of the Pediatric Service of the Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital in Granada points out.

Make sure to consume two liters of water a day to have good breath. The water is responsible for removing bacteria from the mouth and, if you go a long time without drinking water, they reproduce freely.

The more water you drink, the more saliva you will have. This is good because saliva also helps kill bacteria. In addition, being rich in oxygen, saliva makes it difficult for bacteria to survive and grow.

Look for foods rich in zinc

Would you say that you have a varied and healthy diet? Think about it, because maybe it is not as bad as it should be. A proper consumption of products such as nuts, organic meats, seeds and cocoa can help you have good breath, due to the zinc contained in these foods,  which prevents excess bacteria in the mouth. It is common to find that oral hygiene products have it as one of their main components.

Take probiotics for good breath

yogurt for good breath

A poorly working digestive system will be loaded with toxins that, after some time, produce bad breath . You can avoid this unpleasant problem if you include probiotics regularly in your diet, as this study published in the Clinical Journal of Periodontology, Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation points out.  The best alternative is the natural probiotics that you find in products like yogurt or cheeses.

If you have a dairy allergy, you can take probiotic supplements, easy to buy in health food stores.

Eat a balanced diet

A diet low in carbohydrates, fat and protein will make it easier for you to have good breath. Certain foods, like asparagus, contain ketones that stick in your mouth and cause halitosis. Make sure your diet is rich in:

  • Broccoli.
  • Carrots
  • Mint.
  • Apples
  • Celery.

Crunchy fruits and vegetables are great because they naturally clean your teeth and tongue when you eat them.

Stop smoking

Smoking is an unpleasant habit that not only makes your teeth yellow and dries out your mouth, it also causes bad breath, as this publication of the Cuban Journal of Stomatology points out.  The nicotine residues that remain in your mouth go to the blood vessels and limit the creation of saliva. Remember that if there is not enough saliva, the bacteria in the mouth increase.

These simple tricks will allow you to always have good breath, and do not forget to visit your dentist regularly.

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