5 Symptoms Of Cardiac Arrest That Only Occur In Women

Cardiac arrest affects both men and women. However, there are a number of symptoms that only occur in the case of women. Take note of them, because perhaps they can be very useful to react in time if you are faced with a case like this, both you and a loved one close to you.

First of all, it should be noted that cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of premature death in the world. When it occurs, there are certain signals that the body sends that cannot be ignored and that, in fact, can save our lives.

It is important to act early because people are more likely to survive if they receive defibrillation — an electrical shock to restore normal heart rhythm. If defibrillation is not possible at that time, the person in arrest should receive CPR. In any case, it is essential to identify symptoms early.

What is cardiac arrest

Although the heart has an internal system that is responsible for controlling the rhythm of the heartbeat,  there are a number of ailments that can lead to abnormal heart rhythms, known as arrhythmias.

During an arrhythmia, the heart may beat too slow, fast, or stop beating. In the latter case, sudden cardiac arrest occurs. However, it should not be confused with a heart attack.

There are several possible causes for cardiac arrest. Among them, we find:

  • Coronary diseases
  • Physical stress
  • Genetic conditions of the individual

Signs of Cardiac Arrest That Only Occur in Women

1. Back, neck, jaw and arm pain

If your back, neck, jaw and arms hurt, it is important to be alert, because it is very easy for you to end up confusing these symptoms. These annoyances can be a clear sign of what is going to happen.

Go to the doctor immediately if you observe this pain, whether progressive, persistent or acute, and especially if it appears unexpectedly.

2. Stomach pain accompanied by nausea

Symptoms and causes of dizziness and nausea

If you have a stomach ache and also experience nausea, be careful; this could be another clear indication of cardiac arrest. It is something that can be confused with food poisoning or the flu and its consequences. If you feel a strong pressure in the stomach, go to the doctor.

3. Breathing problems and dizziness

In case of sudden breathing problems, you should pay attention to see if, in addition, it is accompanied by other symptoms. Again, the consultation with the health professional is more than recommended.

4. Cold sweats

Sweating and headache

Cold sweat can be another of the symptoms of cardiac arrest that occur in women and that, of course, you should not ignore. Pay attention and do not think that it can be something derived from daily stress or possible worries. If you didn’t have these kinds of problems before, see your doctor as soon as possible.

5. Quick and sudden tiredness

Do you feel tired in a matter of minutes and suddenly? If this happens to you, you should be alert. If even after resting you feel so tired that you do not have the strength to perform the most basic tasks, such as getting up or walking, it is a worrying symptom. Give it the attention it deserves.


If you have suffered from cardiac arrest, it is evident that, from that point on, you will have to have more health care than usual. Thus, you can prevent the repetition of an episode of these characteristics.

In that sense, there are some harmful customs that you will have to eradicate, such as smoking, alcoholism and sedentary lifestyle, which in turn generates obesity. Of course, physical exercise will also be necessary, as well as routine monitoring of blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes.

On the other hand, do not forget that there are certain medications that promote cardiovascular health. They are recommended for people who suffer from symptoms related to heart health, but it should be the specialist himself who prescribes the most appropriate treatment according to your case.

As a final recommendation, it is worth noting that the best thing is to make a healthy life, exercise and the absence of stress the three great pillars of your life. With this, you can reduce the chances of suffering from cardiac arrest, among several other cardiovascular diseases.

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