9 Errors That Do Not Allow You To Sleep

In order to sleep well and get adequate rest, it is essential that we eat at least two hours before going to bed and that we avoid the use of electronic devices

Bugs that keep you from sleeping are undermining your night’s rest, almost without you realizing it. Are you suffering from insomnia or having trouble falling asleep? You don’t know what habits this problem can be attributed to? The good news is that in the following article we will tell you what are the main errors that do not allow you to sleep. You can solve your insomnia problems by rectifying these behaviors.

Errors that do not allow you to sleep

Sleeping is very important for all mammals, because it helps the body recover from the efforts made during the day, and to recover from certain diseases. Therefore, if lately you are having problems resting the recommended 8 hours for each night, it may be due to one or more of the following errors that do not allow you to sleep :

1. Drink coffee after dinner

At dessert time we can opt for a fruit, a chocolate cake or a coffee. The last two alternatives can be the triggers for insomnia. This is due to its stimulating properties of the Nervous System. Be careful with caffeine and refined sugars after dinner. Because they can cause, either that you do not “sleep an eye” all night, or that you wake up several times at dawn.

2. Go to bed with a full stomach

Go to bed with a full stomach

Another food-related mistake worth eliminating. If you barely finish eating you go to bed, you will have trouble sleeping well. This is worse if you are one of the people who sleeps on your stomach. The stomach heaviness leads to nightmares, insomnia, gastroesophageal reflux or waking up the next day with very little energy. It is recommended to wait at least an hour to go to bed after dinner.

3. Not having fixed hours to sleep

The body needs a routine and follow it to the letter. If you go to bed early one day and go to bed later the next, the body doesn’t quite understand what to do. This confusion also causes changes at the brain level. Therefore, you will not be able to sleep, or your eyes will close while you are still eating.

Maintaining a bedtime schedule is essential for the body as it gives it guidelines on how to act. The same applies to the time you set your alarm clock. Even if it is a weekend or a holiday, try to go to sleep and get up at the same time.

4. Make up late hours of sleep

Make up for hours of late sleep

As we don’t sleep much during the week, we take advantage of Sunday not to get out of bed. This is one of the bugs that keep you from sleeping ! Although we believe that it is good for the body, it is the opposite. Trying to make up for lost sleep makes us dull and demands more and more rest. For this reason, no matter how much you sleep all weekend … On Monday you will feel tired and without energy.

5. Watch television or use the mobile

The use of technological devices in the moments before going to bed, and even when we are already in bed, delays the production of the hormone that regulates sleep cycles. This happens because the brain is alert and receives all kinds of stimuli. And he thinks he must stay awake! It is not advisable to watch the news or action movies, stay with the tablet or mobile until the last moment before closing your eyes or going to sleep with the television on. Don’t forget that the mind needs a break from such a bright screen.

6. Not having adequate mattress or clothing

Not having adequate mattress or clothing

How long have you not changed your pillows or mattress? They must be changed at least every three years to avoid spinal injuries and suffer from all kinds of sleep disorders, such as insomnia. In turn, the bedding and the one you are wearing must be adapted to the time of year and be comfortable. No tight pajamas, too many blankets or socks that squeeze at the ankles. The better you feel, the faster you can fall asleep and the less likely you are to wake up in the middle of the night.

7. Leave the light on

The mind needs to be in the dark to receive the signal that it is time to sleep. In the case of leaving a light or television on. Or the curtains and blinds open, you may not be able to fall asleep or your rest is poor. Try not to even get light in the room.

8.Sleeping with someone (includes pets)

Sleeping with someone (includes pets)

Sharing a bed can be very nice, but it also has negative consequences when it comes to resting. If you sleep with your partner, with your dog, with your children or with your cat, you will have a lower quality of sleep than if you do it alone. This is because at night you will have to adapt to the movements, sounds and temperatures of the other beings around you. If you have a lot of trouble sleeping, consider moving rooms or going to the couch.

9. Maintain extreme temperatures

In summer you turn on the air conditioning to such an extent that if you don’t cover yourself with a blanket your feet will freeze. In winter you turn the heating to maximum and in the middle of the night you start to perspire. Both extremes are lousy for our rest. It is best if the room is kept at a comfortable medium temperature (eg 20 ° C).

Errors that do not allow you to sleep: Conclusions

Our habits, as well as the environment that surrounds us, influences the quality of our sleep. Therefore, if we want to rest, be active and improve our health, it is essential to know the  errors that do not allow you to sleep. By knowing them, we can implement the necessary strategies to solve them. In case your insomnia persists or worsens, we recommend consulting with your psychologist or doctor.

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