How To Prepare A Rosehip Cream To Reduce Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are an aesthetic problem that has no health consequences but causes great discomfort to many women and men. Weight changes and the lack of elasticity of the skin give rise to these marks on our body.

In this article we share a simple recipe to make a rosehip cream. With this oil, along with other natural ingredients, we will achieve a lotion to provide hydration and promote skin regeneration.

Natural ingredients

Rosehip oil

Rosehip oil is the secret of many women who use it to prevent and reduce wrinkles. It has a high nutritional and regenerative power, making it ideal for dry and mature skin that wants to give luminosity and firmness to the skin.

This oil, which is extracted from the seeds of the rose hip, stands out for its high content of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids, as well as antioxidants and vitamins A, C and E. However, when purchasing it, we must make sure that it is pure oil , since many low-quality derived and mixed products are marketed.

rosehip oil for stretch marks

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is, today, an essential ingredient in natural and homemade cosmetics. In addition to the texture of its gel, ideal to mix with other ingredients and use on the skin, its properties make it the perfect base for many remedies.

The gel that is extracted from the leaves or stalks of this plant has soothing, moisturizing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. These healing virtues are enough to make it effective in treating all skin problems (including stretch marks).

In addition, aloe vera can also be applied directly to the skin, as it provides a pleasant freshness and a protective layer. Its texture allows a very easy application and rapid absorption. If we also mix it with oils, we achieve that the final result is not so oily and it penetrates the skin better.

Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is a staple in chocolate. However, it is also a very common product in natural cosmetics, thanks to its characteristics and properties. For example, it is the base of many lip balms, since it has the virtue of protecting us from external agents such as the sun, wind or cold.

This type of butter is very antioxidant, so it prevents skin aging caused by free radicals. It also reduces scars and stretch marks, maintains hydration and promotes the regeneration of skin cells.

Cocoa butter is effective in treating wrinkles as well and can be a good immediate remedy to soothe burns. In addition, it is effective in treating some cases of psoriasis and eczema.

cocoa butter for stretch marks

Cream to reduce stretch marks


To make this cream against stretch marks we will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 tablespoons of rosehip oil (60 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (45 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa butter (20 g)
  • 10 drops of lavender, rosemary, geranium, jasmine, or frankincense essential oil (optional)

What should you do?

To prepare this cream to eliminate stretch marks we will follow the following steps:

  • First, melt the cocoa butter in a double boiler.
  • When the butter is liquid, mix well with the rosehip oil and the aloe vera gel.
  • Finally, add the lavender essential oil and mix again.
  • Store in an airtight glass bottle. When the mixture cools it will become a little more solid, with the right texture to apply it on the skin.


  • Apply this cream for stretch marks on the affected area once or twice a day, both to prevent and reduce stretch marks.
  • The best time is after the shower, since with the hot water the pores open up and better absorb the nutrients.
  • To enhance the effects of this lotion we can perform a massage or dry brushing.
  • We can also use this cream for wrinkles, for dry skin and for some skin disorders that cause flaking. It is also an excellent healing remedy to accelerate wound recovery and prevent scarring.

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