7 Tips For Not Gaining Weight At The Weekend

To take care of your figure, it is convenient to adopt some strategies to avoid gaining weight at the weekend. While it is clear that good habits must be maintained on a daily basis, there are people who get carried away by those “temptations” of the rest days.

Although sometimes it seems harmless to eat one or another snack, its content of sugar, fat and other substances can ruin the efforts that are made in the daily diet. In fact, this is one of the impediments to losing weight despite eating well the rest of the week.

However, it is not about taking everything to the extreme and making bans. Rather, it is to follow a few simple recommendations to moderate calories and avoid excesses. What should you do to avoid gaining weight on the weekend? We’ll tell you then.

Strategies that help you not gain weight on the weekend

Weekend plans come hand in hand with a host of temptations that can ruin your diet. Many have enough willpower and manage to get to Monday without having altered their regular diet.

Others, on the other hand, feel remorse because they are aware that both the drinks and the chosen foods added too many calories. The good news is that there are several helpful tips for keeping weight off on the weekend and maintaining a balanced diet. Take aim!

1. Don’t save calories

One of the big diet-ruining mistakes is believing that you can “save calories” by ignoring your main meals. This bad habit is common during the weekend, as many think that if they stop eating well during the day they can enjoy it at night.

Intermittent fasting is a protocol that has been shown to be effective, but its intention should not be compensatory. It cannot be used as an excuse to eat unhealthy food at another time of the day.

2. Control excesses

Learning to control excesses at parties and outings is essential to avoid gaining weight on the weekend. The fact of being able to rest and make a different plan does not have to be a synonym of eating badly and in large quantities.

It is true that temptations abound in restaurants, movies, parties and almost any different place that you can visit; however, one must learn to be moderate, especially when it is known that there is a risk of ruining the other efforts of the diet.

3. Eat healthy before leaving home

To enjoy weekend plans, you don’t always have to eat out. While it is not bad to visit a restaurant occasionally, it is best to eat healthy before going out to be satisfied and not have to eat “anything” outside.

4. Choose healthy snacks

Like every day, on Saturday and Sunday snacks should be made to control that feeling of hunger that appears between meals. Now, since the goal is not to gain weight on the weekend, the recommendation is to prepare healthy snacks, according to the diet.

A small handful of nuts, a veggie sandwich, or a fruit smoothie may be enough to quell those cravings. These options can replace fried foods and packaged snacks that add up to too many calories and few nutrients.

Also try to avoid juices. These contain large amounts of fructose and little fiber. Said sugar is capable of negatively affecting liver function when administered freely, according to a study published in the Journal of Hepatology.

5. Do physical activity

It is good to do sports daily.

To do physical exercise there is no specific day; in fact, many take advantage of the weekend for their practice, especially when there is not so much time the rest of the week. In addition, there are different ways to do sports activities on the weekend :

  • Go for a walk.
  • Take a bike ride.
  • Go to a yoga class.
  • Go swimming.
  • Jogging in the park.
  • Dance or go to Zumba.

Keep in mind that the exercise that has the most evidence for weight loss is the high intensity interval. However, you must have a certain physical condition to carry it out.

6. Maintain the routine in the morning

Altering your morning routine on weekends can cause several negative reactions that affect body weight. First, sleeping too much lowers energy, increasing the need to eat more calories throughout the day.

It also alters the breakfast schedule, one of the most important meals to maintain optimal energy expenditure. Getting up on the regular schedule avoids these outbreaks and is a good opportunity to practice healthy habits such as exercise.

7. Be careful with drinks

Watching your drink consumption helps you not gain weight on the weekend, especially when the plans are to party. Although many overlook it, soft drinks, cocktails and alcoholic beverages add calories that affect the figure.

Improve habits during the weekend so as not to gain weight

Are you worried about gaining kilos due to the carelessness of the weekend? Then follow these simple tips. As you can see, it is not about being too strict, but about learning to be moderate even when there are temptations.

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