Benefits Of Stevia In Weight Loss

By using stevia as a substitute for sugar, we are able to sweeten desserts but with fewer calories. It will always be convenient to choose the most natural options, such as its leaf or the extract.

If you are a healthy person, you may avoid all kinds of sweeteners or choose honey or stevia . This time we want to talk to you precisely about this last ingredient.  We know there are some controversies on whether or not it is a good idea to use stevia in weight loss or not.

Here we will talk about its benefits and why we consider it a good idea to add it to your diet. R Remember that it is important to keep the portions and not consume it in excess Well, that’s when it stops being healthy.

Clever? Keep reading and do not miss the opportunity to know the benefits of stevia. In the end, it will be your decision if you consume it or not, but do it in an informed way and with reasons.

What is stevia?

Stevia is a natural sweetener, just like cane sugar. The stevia plant is native to Brazil and Paraguay and for several years it was almost unknown to the entire world. It has been used to sweeten the traditional mate, as a natural remedy and as a sweetener  in traditional cuisine.

As a natural remedy, in those regions it is believed in the benefits of stevia when it comes to:

  • Lose weight.
  • Soothe burns.
  • Fight colic.
  • Reduce stomach problems.

In addition, its sweetening effect is 200 times more powerful than traditional sugar, according to a study published in the Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics.

It is precisely the latter that has caused the explosion of its fame and use, although in recent years there has also been fear of its negative effects.

What is the best type of stevia for weight loss and health?

Although the most commercial form in which you will find stevia is powder, similar to sugar, it is not the only one. Your options are:

On green leaf

This is the least processed and healthiest option. Unlike the processed options, this presentation only has a sweetening effect 30 times greater than traditional cane sugar. However, being the most natural option, it is the one that puts you at less risk and brings greater health benefits . If you have the chance to get it, take advantage of it.

Stevia extract

This is the most common version when we think of stevia in weight loss . Its effect is 200 times the effect of sugar.

The downside is that it retains a bit of the bitter taste of the natural leaf, so not everyone likes it. However, if you give it the opportunity, you will get used to it in no time.

If you can’t get the natural leaf, this is the second best option. 

Altered stevia

Sweet herb Stevia rebaudiana

This is the most commercial and least healthy option of the three. Usually the most consumed by his prec io but we really don’t recommend it as it already includes other ingredients.

It must be taken into account that in some subjects, the habitual consumption of stevia is capable of generating an alteration of the microbiota, according to a study published in Nutrients .

Stevia in weight loss

The biggest benefit of the e stevia in weight loss is that, by requiring less amount of sweetener, you add fewer calories in the body. This means that you can include those foods that you like without risk as long as you add a touch of stevia instead of other sweeteners.

Just remember that making changes to healthier options does not mean that you will be able to eat unlimited desserts. It means that the same servings will provide you with fewer calories and carbohydrates.

The fact that stevia provides less carbohydrates also gives you the opportunity to prepare the desserts that your children like safely . In this case, it is also important that you remember to teach them about proper portion sizes and to make the right food choices.

Control diabetes

Stevia’s involvement in weight loss also helps fight or control diabetes . This sweetener has the characteristic of regulating blood sugar levels. If you have diabetes or prediabetes problems, stevia will help you avoid its complications.

The main difference between stevia and normal sugar is that the former has elements that are not absorbed into the bloodstream, so there are no spikes in glucose. However, keep in mind that the best way to prevent diabetes is by avoiding obesity. Both pathologies have proven to be closely related.

For this effect to be maintained, it is important that you choose the natural stevia or the one that is little processed.  

Stevia, an alternative to sugar

The caloric properties of stevia have promoted its use in recent years. However, there are still many doubts to be resolved at a scientific level about this compound, especially in the long term. Therefore, the best advice is to use it with caution, trying not to abuse it.

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