How To Clean The Colon Naturally?

To enjoy health and well-being, the most important thing is to maintain good habits. Now, would it be necessary to detoxify the colon from time to time?

According to the detox stream , cleaning the colon every so often would be essential for the entire body to function properly. Otherwise, it would not be possible to eliminate toxins and this would have a negative impact on overall health.

For this reason, many people seek methods to cleanse the colon naturally. Also to prevent long-term illnesses.

It should be noted that, for colon cleansing to provide results, it is best to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This means that a balanced diet, proper hydration and a good exercise routine should be followed. Excesses (of any kind) should be completely out of the equation. 

The detox stream approach

Following the detox current approach , the colon can accumulate toxins through excessive consumption of ultra-processed foods, alcoholic beverages, air pollution, regular consumption of medications, etc.


These toxins can cause this and other organs to stop working well, which would cause a remarkable weakness, day after day and promote the development of various diseases and disorders.

Specifically, toxins force the colon to work harder, overloading it and preventing it from working properly. This would cause all kinds of health problems, from constipation to indigestion, to joint pain or headaches.

Although it is true that lifestyle habits significantly influence health, and that there are factors that must be taken into account, to date  there is no evidence that the body accumulates toxins, as proposed by this current. There is also no evidence that detoxification methods deliver what they promise.

However, in some cases, detox recipes could motivate people to improve their lifestyle and make healthier choices, which provide both short-term and long-term benefits.

What is the colon and what does it do?

The colon is the longest part of the large intestine.

Before we continue, let’s briefly review what the colon is and what it does exactly.

According to the National Cancer Institute Dictionary, the colon is the organ responsible for extracting water, nutrients, and electrolytes from partially digested food. It is also known to be the longest part of the large intestine.

How should the colon be “cleaned”?

  • To cleanse the colon, eating habits should be improved. This would include measures such as:
    • Eliminate the consumption of junk.
    • Reduce sodium and sugar intake.
    • Avoid the intake of trans and saturated fats.
    • Progressively minimize (until eliminating) the intake of sweets, beverages and industrial foods, ultra-processed foods and the like.
    • Increase the consumption of foods rich in fiber, such as fruits and oats.
  • If you do not drink enough water per day, start drinking more to maintain good hydration.
    • Industrial beverages (soft drinks, flavored waters, etc.) should be avoided.
  • Exercise daily to maintain good intestinal transit and good health in general.

There are other methods that, far from being healthy, only pose a health risk. Some of them include the consumption of laxatives to go to the bathroom several times a day and performing homemade enemas.

Health experts point out that, if you want to improve your health, it is best to consult your doctor, follow his instructions and maintain healthy lifestyle habits. They also clarify that mixtures of natural remedies with herbs and home cleaning should be avoided.

Discover: Detox soups do not detoxify your body

Apples to complete the diet and cleanse the colon

Female doctor holding a green apple.

If you do not consume fruit on a daily basis, a good option to correct this is to start eating an apple a day, without peeling. This would help regulate intestinal transit and avoid eating snacks and sweets between meals.

Fruits not only provide vitamins and minerals, they also provide fiber and a certain amount of water. That is why they are so beneficial for the health of the entire body, including the colon of course.

It is important to note that the World Health Organization recommends consuming several pieces a day, to complement the diet and maintain variety and balance in it. 

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