Homemade Lemon Tart Recipe

If you want to try a simple and delicious dessert, be sure to try the lemon cake. It is also low in calories, refreshing and recommended for all members of the family thanks to its many beneficial properties for health.

Point out that the recipe that we are going to explain to you below is suitable for diabetics, since we are going to use stevia. Remember, however, to consult your doctor first if you suffer from any type of related pathology.

Ready to enjoy one of the most delicious cakes? Let’s go there.

Nutritional benefits of lemon tart

lemon pie

  • Thanks to vitamin C we will strengthen our body’s defenses. We will avoid diseases, especially of the respiratory tract such as colds, flu or congestions. In fact, multiple investigations claim that it could help reduce the frequency of related infections.
  • We will obtain a very adequate source of antioxidants .
  • Lemons are very rich in minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus …
  • According to various studies, it could perform a cardioprotective work.

Lemon tart recipe

Lemon pie


For the shortcrust pasta:

  • One and a half cups of flour.
  • 100 grams of butter.
  • Half a tablespoon of stevia powder.
  • 3 egg yolks.
  • 3 tablespoons of ice water.

For the lemon pie filling:

  • The juice of 5 lemons.
  • Half a tablespoon of stevia powder.
  • 75 grams of cornstarch (corn flour).
  • 6 egg yolks.
  • 4 egg whites.
  • 45 grams of butter.
  • Half a glass of cold milk.
  • 3 chopped walnuts.

Preparation of the lemon cake

Preparation of the shortcrust pasta:

  • We start by greasing the mold with butter, in this way we prevent the cake from sticking to it.
  • Now we preheat the oven to about 170 ÂșC.
  • We take a bowl and mix the flour with the butter, that way the pasta will be finer.
  • It is important to homogenize the flour with the butter, for this we can use the tips of the fingers.
  • We separate the yolks from the whites and leave them stored separately, since each one has its use at different times in the recipe.
  • Now  we add the stevia, the egg yolks and the water.
  • Knead until a consistent dough is left.
  • Then we wrap it in a transparent film and leave it in the fridge for about 15 minutes.
  • Once the 15 minutes have passed, we will see that the pasta has already been perfectly homogeneous.
  • It will be the moment to take it to the mold. For this we will manipulate it so that it takes its shape and remains well adhered.
  • Remember to make at least an edge of two centimeters, since it must be high enough so that later we can introduce the mixture inside.
  • We bake the shortcrust pasta for about 25 minutes.
  • We let it cool to room temperature once it is baked.

Preparation of the lemon filling:

  • We start by squeezing the juice from the lemons and adding the half tablespoon of stevia.
  • Now we pour the mixture into a pot and heat it until it boils.
  • We take half a glass of cold milk and add the cornstarch flour. R emove everything well so that it is homogeneous and without lumps.
  • We add this mixture to the pot so that the mixture thickens, stir while it thickens, since in this way we will avoid lumps in the cream.
  • Then add the egg yolks and butter.Do not stop stirring!
  • Once ready, remove it from the heat and let it cool to room temperature.
  • Next, place this delicious mixture inside the shortcrust pastry and bake it for another fifteen minutes.
  • Meanwhile  we are going to make the meringue. To do this, mount the egg whites until stiff and once ready, decorate the cake with the meringue in the way you want.
  • To finish, you can top with pieces of walnuts that will give a very tasty touch.
  • Now put the cake in the oven and let it brown for a few minutes.

It is ready to be presented. We hope that this magnificent cake will be a delicious dessert as well as nutritious and suitable for all those who must watch their sugar consumption.

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