Is It Possible To Prevent Fluid Retention Naturally?

While all teas can help you, green tea and horsetail are the most recommended to try to reduce fluid retention

Fluid retention is a condition that is not considered serious, but it can nevertheless cause several complications. Doctors say this is a symptom that “suggests” a more severe condition or imbalance, so careful attention is needed.

Therefore, it may be advisable to go to a nutritionist to recommend the most appropriate diet to try to avoid this problem. Next, we tell you more about fluid retention.

What to know about fluid retention

This disorder is characterized by the accumulation of water and other liquid substances in the body. It occurs because the blood vessels pour too much fluids into the tissues and it is impossible to remove them. Fluid retention is more common in women and the causes must be known in order to treat it appropriately.

It is necessary to know that the body is constantly balancing the percentages and levels of fluids with hormonal movements. When you drink more water than you need, your body eliminates the “excess” through sweat or urine. The problem arises when it is not possible to evacuate this liquid and maintain balance. This is what is known as “retention.”

Among the most common causes of fluid retention we can find:

  • Poor diet.
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Unbalanced diet
  • High consumption of salt or foods with a lot of seasoning.
  • Liver disorders or problems.
  • Heart or kidney malfunction.
  • Ingestion of some medications or chemicals.
  • Protein or certain nutrient deficiency.
  • Too sedentary life.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Menopause.
  • In some stages of the menstrual cycle.
  • Liver disorders

The most common symptoms of fluid retention are the following:

  • Weight gain for no apparent reason.
  • Swollen legs or hands
  • Palpitations
  • General discomfort.
  • Cramps
  • Weakness or tiredness
  • Hypertension.
  • Cellulitis.
  • Little urine

Prohibited foods in cases of fluid retention

  • Salt: Salt causes thirst and an increase in fluid intake that is then retained in the intravascular compartment, causing an increase in total blood volume. Both the heart and the kidney are the main organs to compensate for these changes through hormonal responses. For this reason, it is necessary to eliminate it from the diet or substitute it with some herbs to enhance the taste of meals.
  • Dairy: Dairy milk and yoghurts could be consumed, but aged and semi-aged cheeses are not recommended, as their sodium content is very high.
  • Meats and sausages: In addition, it must be taken into account that sausages, smoked products, preserves, purees, processed foods, dressings, mayonnaise, cheeses, frozen products, instant soups or broths, soy sauce, seasonings, etc. they contain a large amount of hidden salt.

Natural remedies for fluid retention

  • Dandelion: it is one of the plants most used for this purpose. There has been research to suggest that dandelion may have a diuretic effect, although more studies are needed to ensure its positive effect on fluid retention.
  • Tea: any variety could have a positive effect on fluid retention. The proportion to make the infusions is 1 teaspoon of dried leaves of the herb chosen per cup of water.
  • Meadowsweet: It  is believed that this plant could have anti-inflammatory effects, but in tests it did not significantly reduce edema. You can make an infusion with four grams of the dried flowers and leaves of this plant.
  • Sundew: it is a plant widely used to prevent fluid retention, as it has flavonoids and it is believed that it can function as a diuretic, although more scientific research is needed. You can make an infusion with 1 or 2 grams of sundew per cup and take three daily.
  • Cherry: it could serve to stimulate the elimination of urine, so it could serve as a support to try to avoid fluid retention.
  • Chicory: It is a plant that is used mainly for its possible anti-inflammatory effects and it is believed that it could have a positive effect on fluid retention. Make a decoction of 30 grams of crushed dried roots in a liter of water.

Juice recipes for fluid retention

As long as the doctor or nutritionist endorses its consumption, you can try some juices, known for the possible diuretic effects of their ingredients, and thus try to improve this problem.

  • Grapefruit, apple and fennel juice: for this recipe you need 1 grapefruit, 1 apple and ΒΌ fennel bulb. Wash and split the grapefruit, extracting its juice. Wash and chop the apple and the same with the fennel bulb. Place in the blender and mix for a few minutes and strain afterwards.
  • Asparagus and cucumber juice: You need 1 bunch of asparagus and 2 cucumbers. Wash, peel and chop all the ingredients. Combine in the blender and strain.
  • Parsley and carrot juice: You need 1 bunch of parsley, 2 large carrots and 1 glass of water. Wash, chop and peel the vegetables. Place next to the glass of water in the blender and strain.
  • Carrot, cucumber, parsley, apple and pineapple juice : To make this juice that eliminates fluid retention, you need 2 carrots, 1 cucumber, 5 sprigs of parsley, 1 apple and 2 slices of pineapple. Wash and chop all the ingredients and place them in the blender with a cup of water.

Although these foods could help improve fluid retention, it is best that you go to your doctor and discuss the problem, as it can be a symptom of more serious conditions.

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