4 Tips To Hydrate Hair In Winter

Moisturizing hair in winter can be quite difficult. The cold, the use of hats, the rain… All this can affect the hair and take away the hydration it needs to look good. If we have dry hair, then the problem can be aggravated by suffering from split ends or brittle hair.

To avoid all this, today we are going to see 4 tips to hydrate hair in winter that will help us keep it healthy so that we do not have to cut it right after this time of year. Let’s see what they are.

1. Do not completely rinse the mask

The first of the tips to hydrate hair in winter is not to completely rinse the mask or conditioner if we also use it. Contrary to what we may think, this will not cause any damage to our hair, on the contrary, it will benefit it.

The more we leave a mask on our hair, the better. Both the conditioner and the mask are very moisturizing, so if we leave a little after we have rinsed the hair, it can help us to maintain its hydration.

To achieve this, we will lightly rinse the hair without worrying that the mask or conditioner is completely gone. In the event that we have oily hair, we will only pass the mask or conditioner through the ends. If we have it very dry, we can dare to put it from the root.

Woman applying a mask to her hair with the help of a comb in the shape of a brush.

2. Beware of wet hair

Leaving your hair wet in winter is not a good idea. The problem with this is that the cold will cause our hair to become more fragile, since it will be very difficult for it to dry on its own.

However, we have to take into account other things, such as the use of hats on wet hair. These can cause scalp problems to appear. It can become sensitive or dry, which would make us have to start using special products for this problem.

On the other hand, another thing we should never do is sleep with wet hair. Drying it is essential since, if it is not done, it will not only become more brittle, but we can even cause our hair to fall out much more, with the consequent loss of density.

3. Moisturize hair in winter: the best warm water

Moisturizing hair in winter can be difficult when we use very hot water in the shower or bath. There are people who make the water so hot that even the skin on your body turns red. This is not good for your hair as it will lose moisture.

It is best to wash your hair with warm water and, to finish, apply a jet of cold water. This will help close the cuticles so that the hair does not lose moisture and remains well hydrated.

Woman showering.

The same happens if we dry our hair with a hairdryer, something indicated at this time of year to prevent our hair from getting wet. It is important to keep it at a certain distance and not to put it with the hottest air. It is better to use warm or cold, even if it takes a little longer to dry our hair.

4. Don’t use the iron so much

Many people do not have straight or wavy hair, but rather it looks frizzy. This can lead to the need to iron your hair to make it look better. However, in winter, it is important that we give our hair a break.

We know that in winter, due to humidity and rain, hair can become more frizzy, which can lead us to iron our hair more than once a day. The damage we are causing it is very serious and, in the long run, we can suffer from completely dehydrated and lifeless hair.

To avoid using the iron so much, we can try to make ourselves up or hide the hair under a wool cap. This will allow you to take a break from the iron so you suffer less.

In conclusion

Moisturizing hair in winter does not have to be a complicated task. With these 4 tips we hope that your hair can stay healthy during this cold time of year so that you do not have to regret its condition once spring arrives.

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