Good Things You Didn’t Know About Sunflower Seeds

Surely you have ever eaten sunflower seeds. Did you know that the oil you use for many of your meals is obtained from them? The origin of this plant is in the Tibetan mountains, it grows wild and its cultivation has spread to many regions of the world. Sunflower seeds have many properties. We are going to talk about them.

What to know about sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds

There are several varieties of sunflower and their seeds can be white, red, yellow … However, the best known and most consumed are grayish with white stripes. They have a good amount of fatty acids  and are rich in minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

For every 100 grams of sunflower seeds you get:

  • 22 mg of vitamin E
  • 730 mg potassium
  • 100 mg calcium
  • 395 mg magnesium
  • 595 mg of phosphorus
  • 8.5 grams of carbohydrates
  • 28 grams of protein
  • 47 grams of healthy fats

What are sunflower seeds good for?

Not only are they delicious, but sunflower seeds offer very interesting benefits to our body. Among them we can highlight the following:

Improve circulation

This is due to fatty acids, which have the ability to reduce the risk of circulatory, heart or cardiovascular problems, such as myocardial infarction.

They are excellent for athletes

They contain a lot of potassium and magnesium, being essential in the diet plans of those who train professionally, but also those who play sports as a hobby or for fun.

Sunflower seeds are good for those who constantly exert themselves (for example, in a job that requires lifting a lot of weight) and help to improve physical performance in a natural way.

They promote brain function

This is because sunflower seeds have a lot of magnesium and phosphorus, two incredible allies for the brain. If you have to study or take an exam, eat a handful of pipes and you will see the results. They serve to improve concentration, memory and mental performance in general.

Ideal for pregnancy

Pregnant women have to consume a good amount of folic acid so that the baby can form well and she does not weaken herself. Sunflower seeds are rich in this essential nutrient to prevent malformations in the fetus or diseases in the mother.

They strengthen the immune system

Immune system scheme

In relation to what was said before about folic acid, not only pregnant women can eat sunflower seeds, but anyone. They maintain and increase the body’s defenses and prevent and help fight various pathologies, especially those related to viruses.

Reduce fatigue

If you need a natural help to have more energy and vitality and not fall asleep anywhere, do not hesitate to eat sunflower seeds. Among its many components, thiamine (or vitamin B1) helps prevent nervous system problems and chronic fatigue. Perfect for a busy day at the office!

They improve the appearance of the skin

In addition to being good for health, sunflower seeds serve as a beauty treatment. They have a good amount of vitamin E, which nourishes and rejuvenates the dermis. This nutrient is one of the most powerful antioxidants out there. Eat pipes and feel renewed from head to toe.

Woman washing her face

Reduce osteoporosis

Especially women, after menopause, suffer from decalcification of the bones. Beyond the fact that everyone believes that dairy treats this problem, there are other options such as sunflower seeds. They have a high calcium content, preventing brittle bone breaks or fissures.

Increases fertility

This is not actually scientifically based but rather is a popular belief. Since ancient times it was believed that those women who ate sunflower seeds were more fertile and could have more children.

How to consume sunflower seeds?

Dessert with sunflower seeds

As you have read, sunflower seeds have many properties and, although they are recommended for all ages, they are particularly recommended for pregnant and lactating women and the elderly.

They can be a delicious snack midmorning, appetizer or entree for before dinner, or even a perfect substitute for sweets. Some people add sunflower seeds to salads, soups, creams, or cakes. If they are ground, we obtain a flour that is used for desserts, pasta or soups.

Sunflower seeds can also be part of your daily breakfast. How? You can make sunflower seed milk. It is an excellent substitute for cow’s milk, being perfect for lactose intolerant or vegans.


  • 1 cup of peeled sunflower seeds (120 g)
  • Brown sugar (or honey, if you’re not vegan)
  • 6 cups of water (1.5 l)
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon or vanilla extract (5 g)


    1. Soak the sunflower seeds overnight.
    2. The next day, strain and place in the blender with the other ingredients. If you want it to be thicker, reduce the amount of water and if you prefer more liquid, you can add more water or less seeds.
    3. Strain and drink immediately.

    It is more than rich with bananas, strawberries or whole grains. Ideal for a smoothie that helps you start the day with all the energy!

    In order to always keep sunflower seeds fresh and have them available to consume whenever you want, store them in a glass jar with a tight lid and do not expose them to the sun or very hot environments.

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