Cluster Headache: The Intense Pain That Stops Our Lives

Cluster or cluster headaches affect 1% of the population, especially men. While women suffer more from migraine episodes, this type of headache is more common in males.

To achieve a better quality of life, we would try to try different therapeutic approaches until we find the one that best suits our personal characteristics. However, to defeat the enemy, the first thing is to know everything about him.

We will explain it to you below.

Cluster headache: a complex condition

The cluster headache is an intense and disabling pain, so much so that it is also known as “the suicidal headache. The attacks can last between 15 and 180 minutes and appear several times a day.

We are facing a complex ailment, not as well known as migraines, but just as paralyzing. It should be noted, however, that there are various therapies and treatments for cluster headaches, although not all patients are served by the same medical approaches.

This disease is associated with small alterations in the hypothalamus and circadian rhythms. Depending on the lifestyle, stress level and the schedules that are carried, they will be suffered with greater or lesser intensity.

What is cluster headache

Cluster headaches are not very common. However, despite the fact that 1 in 1000 people suffer from it, it is considered one of the most painful and limiting.

  • It appears for the first time at a very early age: in adolescence or early youth.
  • It usually goes away on its own around the 60s or 70s.
  • It is related to small dysfunctions in the hypothalamus.
  • Sometimes the intake of exciting foods, alcohol, and tobacco use increase attacks and the intensity of pain.

What symptoms does it present?

It is a type of pain that comes and goes, it is very intense and can even cause the person to lose consciousness.

  • It always affects the same side of the head and it is common for the pain to be concentrated in one eye and even for it to become inflamed.

    cluster headache

    • A runny nose may appear on the same side of the face and even eyelid swelling. All this configures what is known as eye-facial symptoms.
    • Doctors indicate something important: since the pain is localized in the orbital region, diseases of the eye or some brain problem must be ruled out.
    • An MRI will help us identify if there are other diseases and confirm the cluster headache.
    • In addition to eye inflammation, one suffers from rhinorrhea, facial congestion, photophobia or phonophobia, nausea and even fainting, given the intensity of the pain.

    How can it be treated?

    Neurologists point out that you have to deal with cluster headaches in two ways: relieving symptoms and establishing prevention so that they do not reappear.

    How to relieve symptoms

    • When the pain is severe, it is recommended that the patient go to the emergency room to receive oxygen. Relief is usually immediate.
    • Likewise, drugs are also essential. In general, the same are used as in migraine attacks.
    • It will always be our doctor who offers us the most appropriate medication. In case of heart or circulatory problems, it is important to seek advice before taking a drug.

    Preventive Treatments for Cluster Headache

    Neurologists usually establish a preventive treatment based on corticosteroids or even lithium carbonate. However, and once again, it should be remembered that the doctors will choose the best option according to the case.

    Give up smoking

    However, it is important to note that the drugs will not guarantee the disappearance of the cluster headache at all. It can calm down for a year and later come back with the same intensity. Hence, it is best to try different approaches and maintain healthy lifestyle habits.

    Other recommendations to prevent cluster headache

    To conclude, despite the fact that there is no effective treatment that makes cluster headaches disappear, its incidence can be reduced by taking care of daily habits. Remember to always ask the professionals for advice.

    • If you are a smoker, it is time to consider giving up this habit. You will gain in well-being and health.
    • Avoid alcoholic beverages.
    • Cut down on exciting caffeinated beverages.
    • Also, take maximum care of your diet and avoid saturated fats, white flour, sugar, salt …
    • Try to control stressful situations.
    • Avoid sedentary lifestyle.
    • Maintain routine life habits: eat and go to bed at the same time, sleep eight hours a day …

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