Uses Of Hydrogen Peroxide

Surely you think that hydrogen peroxide is an item for the first aid kit and that it only serves to disinfect wounds. Nothing further from reality. We will talk about the multiple uses of hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide  in the following article:

Advantages of hydrogen peroxide

H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) is the only germicidal agent that is composed only of water and oxygen, killing pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, it is a safe and effective natural disinfectant.

In any case, consult your doctor for possible contraindications that may exist in the rest of the uses of hydrogen peroxide. Did we discover them?

The other uses of hydrogen peroxide

1. Bleach clothes

One of the most amazing uses for hydrogen peroxide is to wash clothes!

Add a cup of hydrogen peroxide to white clothes to avoid yellowing over time. It also works to remove blood stains from carpets or clothing. Pour directly, let it sit for a minute and scrub with a brush, then rinse with cold water.

2. Detoxifying and rejuvenating bath

Relaxing bath

You can use a few tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a tub of warm water, soak for half an hour and, if necessary, add hot water to maintain a more comfortable temperature. You will eliminate the microorganisms that accumulate on your skin and that can cause diseases.

3. Treat foot fungus

To eliminate foot fungus, apply a mixture made in equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and tap water between your toes or on your nails every night and let it dry on its own. If there are chronic infections, put two measures of hydrogen peroxide in hot distilled water and apply once or twice a week.

4. Avoid infections

Pour a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on an infection, wound, or cut several times a day. In the event of the onset of gangrene, go to your doctor to make the diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

5. Rinse and take care of the mouth

This is another of the uses of hydrogen peroxide. And the fact is that hydrogen peroxide is used, in fact, in mouthwashes or dentifrices – due to its antibacterial and disinfectant properties – in low proportions; it even has a certain whitening effect. In this sense, consult with your dentist if you should use it and in what proportion.

6. Lighten hair

Lighten hair

Hydrogen peroxide is used to make hair a few shades lighter. Dilute with water (50/50) and spray on hair after showering. Comb after. The result is dim, so there is no risk of being “platinum”.

7. Disinfect contact lenses

If you have run out of the solution you buy at the optician’s, don’t worry: you can take advantage of the 3% H2O2, which serves to break down the proteins that accumulate in the lens.

8. Clean in the house

You will eliminate germs and leave a fresh scent. Put some on the rag or rack when cleaning or pour into your regular cleaning fluid. You can also use hydrogen peroxide to stain glass and mirrors.

In turn, if you apply a tablespoon in the dishwasher, your dishes will be brighter.

Hydrogen peroxide is effective in keeping bathrooms sanitized (so as not to use bleach or harmful disinfectants) and for rinsing the wooden board after cutting meat or vegetables.

If you combine hydrogen peroxide with vinegar, you will get a powerful, economical, natural and effective disinfectant. It is used to disinfect everything from fruits to toys, through footwear, towels or floors.

It also works to remove mold from the bathroom ceiling or walls.

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