5 Tricks To Clean Your Carpets In A Natural Way

The accumulation of dust or the spillage of some substances force you to clean your carpets on a regular basis. Although some are made with materials that are easy to treat, others have delicate fabrics that require special products and care.

There are many commercial cleaners available today that can assist in this task. However, some contain harmful chemicals that, in addition to polluting the environment, can lead to skin or respiratory allergies.

That is why many are dusting off grandma’s old cleaning tricks, which propose the combination of 100% natural ingredients. While it seems easier to buy any conventional cleaner, these options are cheaper and safer.

5 tricks to clean your carpets naturally

Are you interested in knowing them? Here we share in detail 5 good options so that you do not hesitate to put them into practice if it is time to clean your carpets. You will love the results!

1.- Trick with hydrogen peroxide and white vinegar

White vinegar has multiple benefits.

A simple combination of hydrogen peroxide with white vinegar and castile soap offers us a complete product to remove stains from carpets.


  • ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide (125 ml)
  • 4 tablespoons of white vinegar (40 ml)
  • 4 tablespoons of castile soap (60 g)
  • 10 drops of essential oil (optional)
  • 12 cups of hot water (3 liters)


  • Pour all the ingredients into a bucket and stir them to blend well.
  • Next, submerge the rug and let it soak for an hour.
  • After the recommended time, rinse it off as usual.

2.- Trick with baking soda and essential oils

This interesting dry cleaner with baking soda and essential oils is a great resource for removing dust and mites from your carpets. It has disinfectant and bleaching properties that leave fabrics flawless.


  • 8 tablespoons of baking soda (120 g)
  • 10 drops of antiseptic essential oils (peppermint, tea tree, lavender)


  • Add the ingredients to a glass jar and mix them together.
  • Then, cap the jar and put it in a cool place for 24 hours.
  • When ready, spread it on the carpet and distribute it with a brush.
  • Let it act for 20 minutes and vacuum up the residue.

Note: the quantity may vary according to the size of your rug.

3.- Trick with borax and baking soda

To clean your carpets without difficulties, you can prepare a powerful borax cleaner with baking soda and essential oils.

To clean your carpets without difficulties, you can prepare a powerful borax cleaner with baking soda and essential oils. Due to its properties, it is recommended to eliminate flea eggs, mites and other microorganisms.


  • 2 cups of borax (400 g)
  • 1 cup of baking soda (200 g)
  • 20 drops of essential oils (lavender, lemon, peppermint, rosemary)


  • Pour all the ingredients into a deep bowl and let the pasta dry.
  • Next, spray the preparation on the carpet and distribute it with a brush.
  • Let it act for 30 minutes and vacuum as usual.

It may also interest you: 5 essential oils and their benefits.

4.- Trick with salt and lavender oil

This interesting trick to clean your carpets gives you double benefits. In the first place, it eliminates the bad odors that it acquires from its contact with dust, humidity and pets. On the other hand, it helps to remove percutaneous and mites.


  • 1 cup of salt (200 g)
  • 20 drops of lavender essential oil


  • Pour the salt into a glass container and mix it with the lavender essential oil.
  • Leave the jar without a lid and wait for the product to dry.
  • When ready to use, spray it on the carpet.
  • Focus on the dirtiest areas and scrub it with the brush.
  • Let it act for 40 minutes and remove the residue.

5.- Trick with hydrogen peroxide and dish soap

Although dish soap is made with some chemicals, its composition is less aggressive than other conventional products. In addition, in order not to get out of the concept of using more ecological and healthy solutions, we enhance its effects with hydrogen peroxide.


  • 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of dish soap (15 ml)


  • Mix the ingredients in a deep bowl.
  • Next, rub it on the carpet stains or spills.
  • Rub it in with a brush and let it work for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

    Note: This solution is perfect for red wine or chocolate stains.

    Do you have rugs at home? We know that cleaning them can be tedious. Therefore, we recommend that you follow these simple cleaning tricks so that you can do it without resorting to chemical solutions.

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