Make Your Own Portraits And Decorate Them With Clothing Fabric That You No Longer Use

Surely you have old clothes at home that you don’t know what to do with. Many of us use our old clothes to make rags to clean the house, but sometimes it is not enough and we may think that we are wasting that fabric. What if you dare to make your own portrait frame?

In recycling we find things that are absolutely beautiful, practical, effective and very simple to make with our own hands; you will know that there is nothing more satisfying than creating things with our ingenuity and imagination. We just have to let out our creativity.

In this article we want to propose and explain step by step how to reuse those fabrics that you no longer use to cover the surface of a portrait holder. In many stores you can find cheap smooth wooden portraits. Once you have it, we can start decorating it.

How to make a picture frame decorated with fabrics?

The portraits frame our favorite memories: those moments of our past life that we do not want to forget. For this reason, they need a place and a “container” that is up to the task. Decorating them in an original and beautiful way is a very good idea.

Photographs keep our memories.

First steps

  • First find the photograph you want to frame.
  • Next, find a portrait holder that you have ready to use. It does not matter what material it is made of, we will coat it later.
  • Find a fabric that you don’t want (try to make the colors stand out for your photography and match your home); we advise you to use cotton.

Once you have the idea in mind, you just have to get down to work and gather all the materials you need to carry it out. Many of them you have at home, at hand. So there are no excuses to start reusing clothing fabric.

Necessary materials

  • Photo frame.
  • Fabric to cover the entire surface.
  • Pair of scissors.
  • Pencil.
  • Rule.
  • Glue, glue or silicone gun.
  • Brush to apply the glue.
  • Spatula to smooth the surface.
  • Iron.

An original and simple photo frame

Covering a photo frame with cloth is as simple as wrapping something in wrapping paper;  You just have to keep in mind that you must tighten it more so that it is not loose or wrinkled. For this you have to press and stretch the fabric when you put the glue.

If you need help, don’t hesitate to do this craft with friends or your children; in fact, it can be a fun weekend activity with which you can spend some time with the little ones in the house. Also, you can make the personalized frames and give them away when you have an occasion. Go ahead and make your own portrait frame to frame your experiences with this original idea.

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