What Is Whey Protein And Who Should Take It

Milk protein helps prevent muscle loss associated with aging. It also increases strength, endurance, and recovery after sports training.

For decades, whey was considered to be the “leftovers” of the cheese-making process. Therefore, it was ignored and simply discarded. However, this has changed.

Today it is a fundamental ingredient as a raw material to make some culinary additives and, above all, the base of the famous whey protein shakes consumed by people who train and athletes.

Discover in this article what are the properties of this food and who should take it to benefit from its medicinal virtues.

What is buttermilk?

Man making himself a whey protein shake.

Whey or whey is the liquid obtained during the coagulation of milk during the process of making cheese and casein. Its color is greenish yellow, cloudy in appearance, contains lactose and has a somewhat sweet taste.

It is made up mostly of water, although it also contains a small amount of protein and fat. In addition, whey contains vitamins A, B and C, and minerals such as iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium or phosphorus.

Whey protein

From whey an increasingly popular dietary product is extracted, made up of proteins of high biological value. This means that it contains all the essential amino acids in high proportions and that they are the ones best absorbed by the body.

This dairy drink, which is usually sold in powder form and is therefore easy to combine with other ingredients, is very famous in sports fields because it helps to improve general physical condition.

According to the experts at Medline Plus, “Whey protein is commonly used to enhance athletic performance and increase strength, but the supporting evidence is conflicting.” Therefore, it is considered that it could possibly provide benefits, but these are still being studied.

Properties of whey

In general, the main health benefits of whey protein are considered to be as follows:

  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Fight high blood pressure.
  • It also prevents type 2 diabetes.
  • Reduces blood triglyceride levels.
  • Helps to lose weight and gain muscle mass.
  • Helps prevent the loss of muscle mass linked to aging, known as sarcopenia.
  • It reduces the levels of glucose in the blood and, therefore, the craving for sweet food.
  • Increases strength, endurance, muscle mass, and post-workout recovery.

How is it taken?

The ideal is to include this product in a balanced diet. Never take it as the main source of food. In fact, as we have been commenting, it is common for it to be consumed to complement the diet aimed at reinforcing sports training.

It can be part of a good breakfast if it is combined with other ingredients, such as: natural fruit, nuts, oatmeal, extra virgin olive oil, etc. For example, it can be enjoyed for breakfast together with a piece of banana, a little cocoa, cinnamon, natural vanilla, and some red berries or tropical fruits.

Note : its consumption is not recommended for people with an allergy to cow’s milk.

How to choose the protein?

Ergogenic aids that improve tissue building

Depending on the production process, it is considered that whey protein may be more or less beneficial. The varieties and criteria that are usually taken into account are the following:

  • Isolated whey protein : obtained by eliminating fat and lactose. It has a high percentage of protein. However, we do not recommend this variety, as acids are used during the process and it is subjected to high temperatures, so that many properties are also lost. Its price is usually more expensive, since it is a more processed product.
  • Whey protein concentrate : this product is obtained prior to the previous isolate process. It contains certain amounts of fat and lactose and a lower percentage of protein, but it is more natural and balanced.
  • Organic quality : in addition to choosing the concentrated option, we recommend choosing an organic product. In this way, we ensure that the cows are fed pasture without pesticides or herbicides. In addition, the resulting product is richer in nutrients.
  • Other ingredients: when choosing one brand or another, we must read the label to make sure that the rest of the ingredients are of quality. We must avoid those that contain sugar, sweeteners, artificial colors or flavors. The best sweetener for the smoothie is stevia and the flavors, if needed, should be natural extracts.

Do you play sports and are you considering taking buttermilk as a supplement? In that case, it would be a good idea to consult with your doctor or nutritionist to learn more about it. 

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