What Can Happen To You If You Don’t Get Enough Rest?

Sleeping well seems almost utopian to some. With the pace of life we ​​lead, it is almost impossible to dedicate the necessary time to rest, and even less to achieve quality sleep. But have you ever wondered what happens if you don’t get enough rest?

It is recommended to sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day. While it is true that each person is different and has different needs, this statement is well founded. They are the minimum of hours that we need for our body to function properly.

Until recently it was unknown what the real function of sleep was. To this day, it is known that sleeping well is essential for our health. It regulates our mood, the function of the immune system, and even our memory.

In this article we explain what happens to your body if you don’t get enough rest. In addition, it is important to take into account that the sleep must be of quality, not being enough to stay in bed for 8 hours and nothing else.

What happens in your brain if you don’t rest?

Perhaps, of all the parts of our body, the brain is one of those that suffers the most when you do not rest. This is so because sleep allows the brain to purify the toxins that it accumulates during the day.

When you don’t rest, these toxins tend to build up. In fact, a pretty clear example is Alzheimer’s disease. Recent studies have linked this pathology with a tendency to sleep little.

The explanation is simple. In Alzheimer’s there is the accumulation of a protein in the brain called beta-amyloid. This protein, in a normal way, is eliminated during the deep phases of sleep. However, poor sleep is not the only risk factor for developing this disease.

On the other hand, people who do not rest well tend to have a lower level of concentration. In addition, they are slower when thinking and less performance. Memories and data cannot be properly retained.

Alzheimer disease

What happens to our immune system?

When you don’t rest, your immune system can also be affected. The exact mechanism is not known, but sleep stimulates the immune system. Therefore, when someone does not sleep well, they are more susceptible to diseases.

Most often, when you are not resting, you are more prone to bacterial or viral infections. However, it seems that this fact could also increase the risk of developing an autoimmune disease.

What happens to your metabolism when you don’t rest?

When you don’t rest, your whole metabolism goes awry. First of all, it is important to know that the most common thing is that you gain weight. There are several reasons for this situation.

On the one hand, the hormones that control satiety are altered. In other words, by not sleeping well, leptin levels decrease. This hormone makes us feel full and we do not have as much appetite. When there is less quantity, we have a greater feeling of hunger.

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that the fact that not resting makes us feel tired and prevents us from exercising. In addition, as if this were not enough, many people take advantage of the hours of insomnia to snack and eat more than necessary.

It is also important to note that many metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, are linked to this problem. Scientists claim that during sleep we release insulin. It is the substance that regulates blood sugar levels.

What other problems can you have if you don’t sleep well?

As we have mentioned before, when you do not rest your mood is also altered. Studies suggest that anxiety and depression problems appear more frequently in people who sleep little.

The same happens with cardiovascular diseases. Not resting increases the risk of suffering them, as well as suffering from high blood pressure. For all these reasons, it is very important that we take care of our sleeping habits.

In addition, if you have problems when sleeping, you should not hesitate to consult a specialist. Sleep is as important to your health as diet or exercise. They are activities that, based on good habits, can improve our quality of life.

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