5 Signs Of Allergy To Cosmetics That You Should Know

An allergy to cosmetics can appear at any time. We women love trying new products. It is common that we buy different brands of makeup, that for a time we use certain types of creams, or that, later, due to changes in our skin, we need new treatments.

This means that at some point we can suffer an unexpected allergic reaction. In fact, it is estimated that  almost 20% of the population is allergic to some component of cosmetics.  That is why it is so important to know which element we have reacted to in order to avoid it in the future.

In addition, our skin is unique and the same treatments do not suit us all. If we add to this that beauty companies innovate more and more every day, introducing new elements in creams and makeup, it is normal that, at some point, we suffer from an allergy to cosmetics.

Let’s now see what are those reactions that we cannot ignore and that indicate that we should stop using some of the products.

1. Allergy to cosmetics: acne breakouts

It is very frequent. We just tried a new foundation or compact powder. You may have bought a new anti-wrinkle cream, you have been using these cosmetics for a couple of days and, little by little, we are noticing how a thin layer of pimples appears.

However, these are not normal granites, but rather it is like a very fine accumulation that, in addition,  itches you when it comes in contact with your hand.

The first thing we should do in this case is to wash our face well with fresh water and let the skin rest for 5 days in a row. If we see that these acne breakouts disappear, then you already know that it is undoubtedly due to that new cosmetic that you have tried.

2. Watery and inflamed eyes

Woman painting her eyes

This symptom is one of the most classic when it comes to using certain types of mascara or eye pencils. It happens very often with waterproof, that is, that long-lasting mascara that does not disappear with water. It is frequent that we do not remove it correctly and that it accumulates until causing an allergic reaction.

Another fact that we must take into account is the quality of the products. Sometimes, the composition of these eyeliners is not adequate and usually causes very quick reactions, such as a very strong stinging, red eyes and tearing.

If this happens to you, quickly remove the cosmetic from your eyes and do not use it again ; choose better hypoallergenic cosmetics. You should know that allergies related to eye pencils and mascara are usually the most dangerous.

3. Inflammation of the skin

Cosmetic allergy dermatitis

You have to be very careful with skin creams. A recommendation that dermatologists give us is that it is advisable to test the creams first on a small piece of our skin, on the hand, for example, and allow a few hours to see if there is a reaction.

They also explain that the elements to which we react the most are fragrances and preservatives. These are two components that are usually included in most cosmetics.

It may happen that, one day, we choose a certain type of cream because it smells very good and, when applied to the face, we immediately suffer a very noticeable inflammation.

Always remember that the perfumes included in the creams contain alcohol, and it is common for people with sensitive skin to not receive this element well. Choose softer creams, without too much odor and, if possible, hypoallergenic.

4. Dry spots, crusts, or scales

Cosmetic allergy dermatitis

These white spots where sometimes even a kind of scales appear are usually, as you already know, atopic dermatitis or eczema, where these striking skin lesions are that are always accompanied by an annoying itch.

They usually appear on the face, but they can also be seen even on the extremities or anywhere on the body where we have not applied that cream or that cosmetic.

It would therefore be a general reaction to an element that hurts us. So do not hesitate to go to the doctor and your dermatologist to find out what has caused it and how you should treat yourself to make that dermatitis disappear.

5. Simple burning, discomfort, discomfort

Woman spreading cream

The body is wise and always gives us clues. There are times when something as striking as eczema or a few pimples does not appear. Sometimes we feel small annoyances that indicate that something is happening, that our skin and our body are not comfortable with that element that we are applying.

Take note of these more unusual and not-so-obvious symptoms of a cosmetic allergy:

  • Notice the dry eyes, as if we had sand. Something subtle, that comes and goes, but that bothers us every time we put on mascara.
  • The lips feel swollen and slightly itchy. Symptom that the lipstick we use may be causing an allergy.
  • When applying a cream, notice the very dry and rigid skin. It does not matter that the cream is moisturizing. Sometimes, when faced with an allergy to cosmetics, the skin responds by stiffening without immediately showing inflammation.

As you can see, they are small symptoms that you must attend to yourself. Never ignore them and if after stopping the treatment the discomfort continues, do not hesitate to go to the doctor.

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