Ginger, Stevia And Apple Drink To Compensate For Excesses

Did you know that ginger is one of the best ingredients to cleanse the body and optimize our digestive function? We can add it to our recipes or consume it as an infusion.

The ginger, stevia and apple drink is a great way to compensate for the excesses committed after a celebration or a large meal.

Often, it is inevitable that we overindulge with food and drink because it is difficult for us to control ourselves when we have gastronomic delights in front of us.

Discover below all the properties of this delicious drink with diuretic and purifying properties so that you feel like always again, after having overindulged with food.

Excesses harm us

Celebrations, banquets, Christmas parties, anniversaries, etc. Any reason is good to prepare a good meal and get out of the routine.

In those cases, the problem is in the type of food, the amounts and the combinations, which harm our digestive system and our body in general.

We can survive these excesses if we learn to control ourselves, to eat slowly and chew well, enjoying food but also knowing how to choose and combine them in the right way.

For example, always including a serving of salad at any meal. In this way, we will be more satisfied, we will eat less of other not so healthy foods and we will facilitate digestion.

How to compensate for excesses?

There are different ways to compensate for excess food and drink:

  • Drinking plenty of water throughout the day, separate from meals, up to half an hour before and two hours after. It is the simplest and cheapest way to cleanse and balance the body.
  • Skipping the next meal or substituting it for a light dish: fruit, salad, soup, cream, etc.
  • With infusions or supplements that improve liver function, which helps digest fats and eliminate toxins: dandelion, milk thistle, artichoke, boldo, etc.
  • With the ginger, stevia and apple drink.

Recommended foods


Ginger is a rhizome with a refreshing and spicy flavor with very beneficial properties to cleanse the body of excesses:

  • It fights swelling and fluid retention and improves the purifying function of the kidneys.
  • Balances the digestive system, reduces stomach discomfort and activates gastric juices.
  • It improves liver function and facilitates the cleaning of the blood and elimination of toxins.
  • It accelerates the basal metabolism and favors the burning of calories.

We can consume it raw or powdered, in infusions, juices and smoothies. It is also in the form of candied candies.


Stevia is one of the best options to sweeten any food, as well as being a medicinal remedy. Stevia is excellent for regulating our body after any excess:

  • It reduces blood sugar levels and the urge to eat sugary foods.
  • It favors the elimination of fluids from the body.
  • Reduces high blood pressure.
  • Improves the health of teeth and gums and prevents cavities.
  • It has digestive properties.
  • It has no calories.

To benefit from its medicinal properties, it must be pure stevia, which we can consume in liquid or powder. Its color is green or dark brown and its flavor is reminiscent of liquorice.

Refined stevia sweetens without adding flavor, making it ideal for our recipes. However, it has no curative virtues.


The apple is a highly recommended fruit to cleanse the body and balance the digestive system and intestinal function. 

If we get organic apples, we recommend consuming them with their peeling, which is rich in fiber and favors evacuation.

The apple will give consistency to our drink, to help us skip a meal and thus balance the previous excesses.

Ginger, stevia and apple drink


With this delicious ginger, stevia and apple drink we can compensate for excesses in a simple and natural way.


  • 1 apple.
  • 4 cups of water (400 ml).
  • 1 teaspoon of ground ginger (5 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of pure stevia powder (5 g).


  • First, we will wash and peel the apple.
  • We extract and separate the core of the apple and cut the rest of the fruit into slices.
  • We will place all the ingredients in the blender glass.
  • We will process until we get a homogeneous mixture.
  • The result will be a drink with a slightly creamy consistency that we can drink hot or cold.


The ideal would be to consume this ginger drink two hours after the meal. Preferably, by  small sips, throughout the day.

It is recommended to take advantage of this drink along with a balanced diet to be able to enjoy its benefits in the short, medium and long term.

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