How To Prepare A Homemade Isotonic Drink To Rehydrate Your Body

By preparing our own isotonic drink we will not only be saving money, but we will also make sure that the ingredients we include are the most suitable to recharge our batteries

An isotonic drink helps to rehydrate the body after suffering a significant loss of fluids and mineral salts.

Its composition includes a minimum dose of sodium, potassium and other essential minerals that help the correct absorption of water to achieve optimal cell hydration.

They are usually consumed by athletes and gymnasts, although they are also recommended for those whose jobs are physically demanding.

Drinking an isotonic drink is a quick way to overcome the loss of nutrients, regulating body temperature and preventing muscle malfunction.

However, it is essential to consider that many of the presentations sold in the market contain artificial colors and sugars whose consumption is not entirely recommended, at least in excess.

These components have been linked to increased metabolic problems and some counterproductive effects on digestive health.

Luckily, there are homemade recipes to make a drink with similar characteristics but with a combination of 100% natural ingredients.

This time we want to share one of them so that you do not hesitate to ingest it during and after your training routines.

Enjoy it!

Homemade isotonic drink

This homemade isotonic drink is prepared with a series of ingredients of natural origin whose properties help to maintain the balance of fluids and electrolytes.

Its intake provides an extra energy to the body and avoids uncontrolled levels of glucose in the blood when performing high-demand physical activities.

It also accelerates the assimilation of water in the body’s systems, thus preventing muscle tension and other immediate effects of dehydration.

Unlike those distributed on the market, it does not contain added chemicals and does not have any risk of adverse effects from its usual intake.

Instead, it represents a healthy hydration option, not only because it is a different way of ingesting water, but also because it provides vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant substances.

Since we do not want to leave doubts about its benefits, below we share in detail the properties of its ingredients.

Components of the isotonic drink

1. Water

water consumption

Water is the best source of hydration for the body. Therefore, it is the base of any isotonic drink.

Drinking water improves cellular activity and is one of the best restorative for those who perform exercise or demanding physical activities.

Your intake:

  • quench thirst
  • prevents muscle spasms
  • it is key to optimal elimination of toxins retained in the blood.

2. Baking soda

This substance is one of the best allies to replace the loss of mineral salts that is suffered during physical training.

Its intake, in small doses, prevents excessive acidity in the muscles. On the other hand, it recovers the alkaline environment for an optimal work of the vital organs.

In turn, it regulates the natural pH of the blood, reducing the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscle, which tends to generate ailments and fatigue.

3. Salt from the Himalayas

This salt is an effective ingredient in creating a balance between fluids and electrolytes in the body.

Contains essential minerals such as:

  • sodium
  • potassium
  • magnesium

These components are necessary to facilitate the absorption of fluids in cells and tissues.

Additionally, ingesting Himalayan salt promotes detoxification of the body as it cleanses toxins from healthy cells and the bloodstream.

4. Lemon juice

The natural lemon juice concentrates important vitamins and minerals that help to rehydrate the body in a natural way, and superimpose the nutrients that are lost due to excessive sweating.

Its intake regulates electrolyte levels and facilitates blood glucose control.

It also filters toxins present in the blood and reduces cell damage caused by the impact of free radicals.

Recipe: homemade isotonic drink

Hydration after sport: isotonic drink

The preparation of this natural drink is very simple. The best? All its ingredients can be easily purchased in the market.

You can make it in a jug and then transfer it to the cans that you take to the gym or your training place.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 5 gr baking soda (one teaspoon)
  • 6 g of Himalayan pink salt (one teaspoon)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)
  • The juice of 2 lemons


  • Add all the ingredients to a jug and mix them until you get a smooth drink.
  • Pack it in the containers you want and consume it during and after your sports training.

What did you think of this easy recipe?

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