Pumpkin Facial Mask To Reduce Spots And Wrinkles

Pumpkin is a very versatile vegetable, with a particular flavor that has been used over the years to make various recipes. Today we show you how to make a pumpkin face mask. Take note!

One of the reasons they are famous around the world is because they are one of the many symbols of festivities such as Halloween and the Day of the Dead.

But, beyond this and being an important source of nutrients for the body, it has numerous properties for the health of the skin.

It contains a number of antioxidant compounds and vitamins that participate in cell regeneration to prevent the early signs of aging.

In addition, thanks to its high water content it is very good to hydrate and combat problems such as dryness.

Would you like to know all its properties? Today we share all the benefits that it can bring to your face, through a pumpkin facial mask, we teach you how to use it to make the most of it.

Benefits of pumpkin for the skin

Natural products such as fruits and vegetables have become a great alternative for everything that has to do with skin care. They’re safe, they provide you with a lot of nutrients, and the best part is that you can improve your appearance without causing any side effects.

Pumpkin is part of that wide catalog of 100% natural ingredients that can be applied to the face to improve its appearance: it is good for all skin types, can contribute to reducing the negative impact of free radicals and helps nourish it. depth to keep it radiant.


  • It is a source of vitamin A that helps preserve its natural moisture so that it is always soft and smooth.
  • It also provides significant amounts of vitamin C which, thanks to its antioxidant effect,  favors collagen synthesis, so it can be our ally to prevent premature aging.
  • It is appropriate to prevent and reduce acne pimples, due to its linoleic acid content, which according to some studies, would be beneficial for its reduction.
  • It also contains vitamin E which, according to some research, would be very beneficial in the care and protection of the skin.
  • Finally, it is believed that it can help reduce facial inflammation according to some studies. However, more research still needs to be done.

How to make a pumpkin face mask

how to make a pumpkin face mask

Because it is so versatile, pumpkin can be mixed with many ingredients to make different types of masks according to the skin’s needs.

This time we have found a fairly complete one since, in addition to hydrating and toning the skin, it also concentrates a greater number of antioxidants and nutrients. These could help us prevent and combat obvious signs of aging such as spots and wrinkles.


  • 1 large piece of pumpkin.
  • Tablespoon of olive oil (14 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of milk (40 ml)


  1. Peel and cut a piece of ripe pumpkin, or scoop out a few tablespoons of its pulp. If it is not ripe enough to puree, you can boil it a little to soften it.
  2. When ready, mash it with a fork and mix the paste with a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of pure honey.
  3. Stir everything very well and incorporate the milk until it is a homogeneous mixture.
  4. If you want to speed up the process, you can blend everything in a blender.

Application mode

pumpkin face mask

  • Before proceeding to spread the paste all over your face, it is very important to clean it to remove surface dirt and all traces of cosmetics.
  • When it is clean, use a brush or the fingers of your hand to spread a thin layer of the cream.
  • Avoid covering the contour of the eyes and lips, as these areas require other types of care.
  • Leave the pumpkin face mask on for about 15 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.
  • When drying the skin, it is best to do it with a soft cloth that does not mistreat it.
  • It is also convenient that you finish this remedy with the application of a moisturizer.

This pumpkin face mask can be used two to three times a week. Also, as you have seen, it is very easy to do, so go ahead and try it at home. What are you waiting for?

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