8 Fun And Original Ways To Report That You Are Pregnant

Still don’t know how to inform your loved ones that you are pregnant? Do you want the moment to be very special? Although some prefer to break the news without much detour, more and more women are joining the trend of making it a fun experience.

To make the announcement of the news unforgettable for everyone, some original details can be taken into account that make the surprise much more pleasant. In this opportunity, we share 8 curious ideas that you may like for when you want to tell that you are pregnant. Choose the one you like!

Fun and original ideas to inform that you are pregnant

Since the test is confirmed, the gestation period brings with it many doubts and nerves. For this reason, it is normal to feel a little concern about the reaction of other people to the news. Although each one assumes it in different ways, it is still a moment of expectation and joy.

Are you nervous and want this moment to be a little more relaxed? If you think it is time to report that you are pregnant, take note of the following fun ideas. They will surely make this day unforgettable.

1. Ultrasound and pregnancy test

Ultrasounds to announce that you are going to be parents.

The ultrasound and the pregnancy test are a very good option to inform that you are pregnant. Although it is somewhat unconventional, it is still an emotional way of breaking the news. If you have social networks, take the opportunity to take a photo of the positive test and use it to share it with all your relatives.

2. Eating for two

This idea is quite curious, but you should not take it literally. Remember that it is a mistake to think that pregnancy is a stage in which you have to eat for two. If you want to use it to spread the news, take a picture of yourself eating and edit it with the phrase “eating for two”. Will your family get the message this way?

3. Baby slippers

You can do something very special and emotional, in the company of your partner, to inform that you are pregnant. Buy some small baby shoes and take a photo of it to send to your friends. To make it more aesthetic, you can make sure that the shoes are similar to those that you and the baby’s father have. You can also decorate it with a phrase.

Baby slippers to announce that you are going to be parents.

4. Eviction notice

If you already have another child, you can make a very fun game for him to report the news. The “eviction notice” is ideal when the sibling is still young and uses the crib. Make a fun poster announcing that your other child will be “evicted.” This way, when you send it, your friends and family can draw their own conclusions.

5. Message balloons

Do you dare to make a video with your partner using some balloons? This original idea is a simple and fast way to use your social networks as a means of informing that you are pregnant. First of all, you need to inflate the balloons and write the news without tying them.

Then you deflate them so that the message is hidden and revealed when you inflate them again when recording. If you prefer not to make a video, go through the same process and take two photos: one before inflating the balloon and another when the phrase is uncovered.

6. A photograph

Photography to announce pregnancy.

If you prefer something simpler and more romantic to share this joy with your loved ones, prepare a photo session or take a single photo in which you can give the message with your partner. They can make it look romantic or fun. The important thing is to add a specific message or clue so that the news is clear.

7. We will be three

If you have a photograph with your partner at a party, perfect. It does not matter if it was recently, or if it is a memory from years ago; upload it to your networks and put as a statement: “at the next party we will be three. Do you think it is not enough to make it clear? Then calculate the date your baby will arrive and attach it to the image.

8. Baby glasses

Do you wear glasses and your partner also? Do your relatives recognize them for this characteristic? So, buy some small baby glasses and take a picture with the glasses of the three. It will be a very original and fun idea to communicate the good news.

As you can see, there are very creative ways to tell the world that a new baby is on the way. It doesn’t matter if you are reserved or if you prefer to make a big fuss to share with your loved ones. Choose the one you like the most and start enjoying this experience.

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