3 Simple Habits That Will Help You Lose Weight Without Starving

Learning to combine food in the right way can be essential to lose weight and, more importantly, not to regain it in the future.

If we have proposed to lose weight to achieve a balanced weight, doubts may assail us. There are many types of diets, some of them contradictory. In addition, not all of them work with the same effectiveness in each person.

However, there are some very useful and general tips that can help us lose weight. Discover in this article 3 simple habits that facilitate healthy weight loss  without starving.

Losing weight without starving is possible

We have a wrong concept of weight loss. We associate it only with a restriction of fat and calories, a decrease in servings and an increase in exercise. Although these are general guidelines, the truth is that there are many factors that influence weight loss.

The most advisable thing is to lose weight gradually and healthily. In addition, we should  adopt good habits that we can maintain in the long term.

In this way, even if it takes a little longer to achieve the right weight, the result will be more durable and we will avoid the rebound effect.

Starving is never a good option. People who make this unnecessary sacrifice are unaware that the body is smart. Thus, the only thing this act does is promote fat reserves and hunger attacks.

3 simple slimming habits

Among the different factors that facilitate weight loss, we recommend these 3 simple habits. These can help you lose weight and also prevent health problems.

1. Drink water

woman drinking water

Experts recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water a day. This, in addition to helping us to be healthier, can also help us in weight loss.

Water participates in numerous functions of the body. For example, it is present in the blood, the lymph of the immune system, etc. Therefore, its consumption is very important to lead a healthy life.

Likewise, it also participates in the excretory system since this is part of the urine and feces. In this way, it is necessary to eliminate waste products and toxins from our body.

Thus, it is good to avoid fluid retention since it favors its elimination through the urine. In this way, we will feel less bloated.

In addition, it also participates in the juices of the digestive system, so it helps us digest food. Thus, it is advisable to drink water with meals.

However, we should also do it between meals. And it is that this can help us reduce the feeling of hunger. This is evidenced by a study published in Clinical Nutrition Research.

It is best to simply drink water. However, we can also consume it in fruit or in certain healthy drinks such as infusions.

However, in no case should we completely replace water with any of these drinks. Also, if we want to lose weight, we should avoid sugary or industrial drinks. These, in addition to water, contain chemicals that can make us fat.

Also, if the weight loss plan includes exercise, we should increase its consumption. In this way, water, although it will not make us lose weight miraculously, it can be of great help in this task.

2. Food combination


In addition to eating a balanced diet, learning to combine foods is a very effective key to losing weight. The important thing is to discover what are the foods that, if we mix them, make us fatter than if we eat them at another time.

In addition, thanks to this guideline, we can improve many digestive disorders and even combat fluid retention and bloating.

Foods that we should not mix:

  • Different types of protein in the same meal. Some examples are meat, fish, eggs, or legumes. One serving of protein per meal is sufficient. We should also alternate that of animal and vegetable origin.
  • Desserts, best as a snack. Mixing them with foods that do not contain sugar can  make digestion difficult. Keep in mind that simple carbohydrates have been shown to promote weight gain.
  • Protein, better with vegetables. The typical hamburger with potatoes is fattening because of the calories it has. However, the poor combination of protein and carbohydrates can worsen this effect.

Whenever we eat meat we should accompany it with a serving of vegetables.

  • In addition, it is highly recommended not to overindulge in meals. We should eat the amounts we need, but in moderation. In this way, we can eat all kinds of food, but in adequate quantities.

3. Smart dinners

Menus for a romantic dinner

The most important meal of the day that we must take into account if we want to lose weight is dinner. What we eat at night usually becomes fat stores in the body.

Two issues must be taken into account:

  • Dinner early: we do not recommend eating anything the two hours before going to bed. Thus, we will give the body time to digest dinner before going to bed. This will not only help us lose weight, it can also promote rest. Keep in mind that getting enough hours of sleep is important to ensure adequate weight, according to a study published in Obesity Reviews .
  • Eat a light dinner : at night we must reduce the consumption of carbohydrates (bread, pizza, pasta, potato), since they provide us with too much energy. Instead, it is a good option to choose some vegetable protein, for example.

In any case, we can add a small portion of cereals such as quinoa, oats or millet, which are rich in fiber. Chickpea flour is also an excellent alternative to flours for making crepes and other types of dough.

Improve weight loss habits

Finally and as an extra, we also recommend regular exercise. It doesn’t have to be too intense, just keep you active. You can go for a walk every day for example. This will not only help you reach your ideal weight, but you will also be healthier.

What do you think of these weight loss tips? Do you dare to incorporate them into your life? They are very simple to follow and can help you in your fight to lose weight.

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