Plum, Chia And Apple Smoothie To Regulate The Intestine

Although foods rich in fiber are very suitable for regulating the intestine, we must not forget to also increase the consumption of water to promote the elimination of waste and not present constipation problems.

Many people need to regulate the intestine to combat conditions such as constipation, intestinal malabsorption, frequent diarrhea, or to recover after a gastrointestinal illness.

The best way to achieve this is based on a good diet and the right natural supplements.

In this article we propose to regulate the intestine with this delicious smoothie of dried plums, chia seeds and apple.

Regulating the intestine is essential

The intestine is the organ where digested nutrients are absorbed and indigestible parts, such as fiber, are discarded.

The chronic disorders affecting this organ can be the source of many diseases in the long term. If the nutrients are not absorbed correctly, it is possible that our body suffers from deficiencies.

For this reason we must try to eat adequate food. In a healthy diet you cannot miss fresh and complete foods, rich in their natural fiber:

  • Fruit
  • Vegetable
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts
  • Seeds.

Beneficial foods

There are three foods that are very beneficial for regulating the intestine:

Dried plum

Dried plums are very good for regulating the intestine

The health benefits of dried plum, or raisin, are highly concentrated in small amounts, which is why they are a superfood that we can consume every day:

  • They fight constipation thanks to their high fiber content.
  • They relieve some intestinal disorders, such as hemorrhoids or diverticula.
  • Its high antioxidant power helps protect against premature aging and free radicals.
  • They are rich in natural sugars and give us a lot of energy.
  • They favor the regulation of arterial hypertension.
  • They help prevent osteoporosis thanks to their high mineral content.
  • Due to their richness in iron, they are good against iron deficiency anemia.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds help regulate the intestine

Chia seeds are a medicinal food with many health benefits. If we soak them, these seeds release a viscous substance called mucilage, a type of soluble fiber. Thanks to this, they are an excellent remedy to clean and regulate the intestine.

In addition, they have other health properties:

  • They help reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  • They are a good source of vegetable protein, which increases our levels of energy and vitality.
  • They have a high satiating effect that helps us eat less,  which is interesting in the case of weight loss diets.
  • They contain a large amount of antioxidants.
  • They are an excellent source of highly assimilable calcium, a mineral that takes care of teeth and bones.

The Apple

The apple helps regulate the intestine

The apple is a very healthy fruit for intestinal function, thanks to its high pectin content.

Its regulatory function is effective both in cases of constipation and diarrhea,  which is why it favors the entire digestive function.

In addition, it has other beneficial properties for our health:

  • Purifies the body of toxins.
  • It favors the alkalization of the organism.
  • Helps reduce cholesterol and blood glucose.
  • Prevents aging.
  • Keeps teeth and gums healthy.
  • Helps reduce uric acid.

    Plum, chia and apple smoothie


    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
    • 4 prunes
    • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (14 g)
    • 1 organic apple with its peel

    It is recommended to wash the apple well, since there could be pesticides on its surface. However, it is not recommended to peel it, as the skin provides more fiber.


    • The night before we will soak the prunes and chia seeds in the glass of water.
    • In the morning, we will add this preparation in the blender after removing the seeds from the plums.
    • Add the apple, without the core, and beat everything for 1 minute.
    • It can be  sweetened with stevia or honey. 

    When do we take it?

    To regulate the intestine, the best time is fasting,  at least half an hour before breakfast.

    If we want to take it as a treatment, we can take them every day for one or two weeks. 

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