Are Baby Massages Good?

On some occasions, we have surely seen a mother massage her baby in the abdomen to help him calm down. Well, baby massages are not only applied in these types of situations. And it should be noted that they are not always carried out with the same technique.

In times of stress or discomfort, massages can be very useful since they calm and soothe the baby. Now, it is believed, there may be many more benefits, depending on the type of massage that is performed on the baby.

What are baby massages?

Song to make babies laugh.

Massages can help babies feel more cared for and loved, which, through touch, may develop a stronger bond with them. In this sense, the sense of touch becomes a key factor and researchers know it, which is why various investigations have been carried out in this regard.

Through skin-to-skin contact, the bond between mother and child can be greatly strengthened, thus increasing the well-being of both and the feeling of relaxation. And since the massage would be done with affection, this could have even more benefits for the development of the baby in the long term.

The massage would then become a form of sensory stimulation. According to an article published in Fuentes Magazine:

In a study carried out in rodents, it was observed that massages have some influence on brain development and the sense of sight.

Types of baby massages

From the moment that babies arrive in the world, they need to be close to the mother to receive her warmth and caresses.

Therefore, it is important to include the technique of massages for babies from birth and during their development. In this way, you will be helping him solve some of his needs.

Next, we will show you several types of massages that you can perform on your baby.

1. Massages for stimulation

Massaging the baby’s limbs from birth is of great help for its correct motor development.  You can perform a specific and simple massage. You should make circular movements with your hands, in a clockwise direction, in the joints, arms and legs.

  • For the massage to be effective, place the baby on his back on the bed or in a pleasant and comfortable space for him.
  • It is important that the mother also has a comfortable position. If you want, you can put soft music in the room.

2. Massages to help you pass gas

It is common for babies to inhale a little air when they are feeding from the breast or bottle. This air they breathe in turns into gases, and it may be difficult for them to expel them. This causes them a lot of discomfort, to the point of not being able to fall asleep.

When it happens, you can perform a small massage:

  • Put your baby on his back and place the palms of your hands open at his navel.
  • Then slowly slide your hands up and down. With this simple massage you will get that little by little you will expel the gases.

3. Massages for babies suffering from colic

Like gas, it is common for babies to have episodes that we call colic. It is a contraction of the muscles that surround the intestine area and is produced by the baby’s body. When this happens, the little one begins to cry because of the discomfort he feels.

  • To relieve it, place the baby on his back and put your hands on his abdomen.
  • Then, make slight circular movements in a clockwise direction.
  • Also, for the hands to glide better, you can use some oil or baby cream.

4. Massages to relieve constipation

Some babies become constipated from a very young age,  especially if they are fed formula rather than breast milk. In the event that your baby presents this type of discomfort, you can help him with the following massage:

  • First, place your baby on his back on the bed or changing table.
  • Then, put some olive oil on your hands, slightly warm, and gently massage your abdomen, moving your hands from side to side.
  • The massage should be focused on the lower abdomen, that is, from the navel down. Thus, you will be activating the proper functioning of the internal organs, especially the intestines.

Benefits of baby massages

Caring for a newborn baby at home

Massage is believed to help the baby feel in a more favorable environment, thus helping him to feel more secure and confident and less stress. On the other hand, they are considered to help provide you with a higher quality night’s rest, as it relaxes you and prepares you for a long, deep and uninterrupted sleep.

Other benefits discussed are:

  • Support for the digestive and endocrine system.
  • Contributes to the development of the respiratory system.
  • It enhances the development of your neurological system.

Baby massages come in many forms and not all have the same goal. Therefore, each mother must choose which one she considers most convenient at the moment and develop her own technique.

We advise you to massage your baby when you consider it appropriate and for a specified time. And finally, do not forget to ask your pediatrician if you have any concerns or if you want to obtain any specific benefit from the regular practice of a particular type of massage.

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