10 Foods To Look Younger And Healthier

Do we want to look much younger and healthier? So we should probably make some changes to our diet.

Looking young and healthy not only requires external care and treatments to preserve the health of the skin, since diet plays an equal or even more important role.

If we do not hydrate ourselves properly, for example, no matter how many creams we use, our skin will not have the hydration it needs. Thus, it will be difficult for the skin to remain smooth and young despite the years.

We are in a time when there are more factors that can cause premature aging of the skin: poor diet, pollution, sun exposure, bad habits or a sedentary lifestyle.

For this reason, today we are going to see how we can look younger and healthier by focusing on taking care of and improving our diet. However, let’s not forget about exercise; According to the WHO, walking for just 30 minutes a day will significantly improve our health.

Foods to look young and healthy

Remember that you should never make drastic changes to your diet without first consulting with a nutritionist. Also, if you suffer from a skin condition or other health problem, always consult your doctor and do not replace your treatment with natural remedies.

Whole grains

Any good diet should include several servings of whole grains a day. This food is, according to studies, rich in vitamins and fiber, which are essential substances to prevent cardiovascular problems, cancer and improve digestion.

Likewise, these foods are rich in antioxidants, as they contribute to cell regeneration and skin health.

Olive oil

Olive oil-remedies

A widely used product like olive oil can also help rejuvenate your skin, while keeping you healthy.

This benefit is due to its high content of polyphenols, which are antioxidants and reduce cardiovascular risks. It also contains vitamin A and E, which helps keep skin plump and youthful.


Blueberries are known for their multiple antioxidant properties, which help improve skin and body health.

This food contains significant amounts of vitamins C and E, iron and magnesium, as well as polyphenols, antioxidants to prevent diseases and maintain healthy skin.

Dark chocolate

A food as delicious as dark chocolate can also become your secret to preserve youth. This food contains a large amount of antioxidants such as catechins, epicatechins and procyanidins.

Moderate consumption of dark chocolate can help improve blood circulation, protect nerves, improve cardiovascular health, and maintain radiant skin.



Broccoli is a vegetable that we should include more often in our diet if we take into account its multiple properties for health and beauty.

This powerful food is rich in vitamins and minerals, capable of fighting free radicals and preventing damage to the body and skin.

Red wine

Red wine has become a supposed health and youth secret of many people around the world. It is popularly said that a glass of wine a day provides multiple health benefits such as heart protection, lowering blood pressure and diabetes.

However, we must bear in mind that the harms of alcohol consumption often far outweigh its benefits. Therefore, it is actually best to not consume alcohol at all or to do so in minimal amounts.


One of the best antioxidant foods we can find to look younger and healthier is tomatoes.

This vegetable contains lycopene, which is the substance that gives it its characteristic red color and that gives it properties to prevent heart disease, cancer and high cholesterol.

According to the study cited above, this vegetable that we use so much every day in our kitchens also serves as a sunscreen and stimulates skin cell regeneration.

Green Tea

Green tea (2)

Green tea is a very popular food  that has spread throughout the world for its many medicinal properties. Its active ingredient is EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) which improves health and protects the skin from ultraviolet rays.


A food as delicious and nutritious as avocado has properties that help us take care of our skin and our body to look younger and healthier.

This food is rich in essential oils that hydrate the skin and stimulate the formation of collagen, as confirmed by research carried out in animals. In addition, thanks to its vitamin E content, it delays premature aging.


Salmon is one of the natural sources of omega 3, which is an essential fatty acid that helps keep skin young, protected and hydrated. This essential fatty acid, which can also be obtained from plant sources, has an antioxidant action that improves the health of the body and keeps the skin young.

Introducing these foods to look younger and healthier will allow us to improve the way we eat, since they are very nutritious and full of beneficial properties. Are you already including them in your meals?

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