The 7 Best Tips To Make Your Meals More Nutritious

Getting a healthier and more nutritious diet involves including natural ingredients in our meals that provide us with a large amount of nutrients without chemicals involved.

Our diet is increasingly poor in vitamins and minerals due to the abuse of pre-cooked and refined foods. In this article, we give you 7 simple tips to make your meals much more nutritious. Following them will help you feel healthier and more vital.

Real meals

Real meals

Today’s diet does not nourish us enough. It does not provide us with the components that our body needs. Some health conditions could be a consequence of this situation. Among them are fatigue, skin problems, muscle aches, nervousness, digestive problems.

The food we eat is also not as nutritious as it was decades ago. Hence, we are forced to look for some alternatives that help us enrich our usual dishes.

1. Homemade bone broth

It is becoming more and more popular in healthy eating. We are talking about the homemade broth made with organic animal bones. Cooking them for several hours over low heat will allow us to get an inexpensive broth that is also very rich in nutrients.

We can make a large amount of broth and then freeze it in individual containers to always have it available. In this way, we can cook rice dishes, pasta, soups or creams much more nutritious and delicious.

2. Seeds and nuts


Seeds and nuts are foods rich in vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and fiber. They are excellent to enrich all kinds of salads and vegetable creams. For the seeds and nuts to be healthier and digestive, they must be raw, without frying or salting. We will soak them for at least 4 hours before consuming them.

3. First press oils, cold

Choosing a good oil is essential for a healthy and good quality food. If we choose good oils we will be providing healthy fats and vitamins. On the contrary, refined oils can be harmful to health.

For cooking, we will choose olive or coconut oil whenever possible. These are the oils that are least altered by high temperatures.

To season raw, we can choose between the previous two and sesame oil or flax oil.

4. Sea water to salt

Do you want to salt your dishes by reducing the risks of common salt and adding an extra dose of minerals? The solution is in sea water, increasingly present in supermarkets for its excellent nutritional values.

With sea water we can salt all kinds of liquid dishes, such as soups or gazpachos, or that have to be cooked, such as rice, pasta or stews.

If we cannot get sea water, we will always opt for sea salt instead of table salt or common salt.

5. Camouflaged legumes


Legumes are an essential food in a healthy diet. They are rich in protein and fiber. However, many people find it difficult to cook them in the form of a traditional stew.

For this reason, we recommend adding them discreetly to other types of dishes:

  • Crushed in vegetable creams
  • In soups and stews, in small quantity
  • In flour, such as chickpea flour, to coat or to make crepes 
  • In cold rice or pasta salads

6. Remineralizing algae

Seaweed is a very common food in macrobiotic and vegetarian cuisine. They provide a large amount of minerals such as iodine, potassium and iron.

There is a great variety of algae. The wakame, for example, allows us to give creams a lot of creaminess. Kombu makes legumes go soft faster. Nori, for its part, is the best known for how widely used it is in sushi. Each of them is cooked differently according to its texture and thickness.

We recommend adding them in small amounts to soups, creams, stews, rice and pasta.

7. A touch of lemon or vinegar

Can a simple lemon help us enrich our meals? Fresh lemon juice, added to our usual dishes, improves digestion. And, in addition, it helps us to better assimilate its nutrients;  especially iron.

Another highly recommended food is apple cider vinegar, rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium or potassium. However, it should be raw and unpasteurized to contain all of its natural nutrients.

In summary, these are just some of the infinity of ideas that, starting from the general lines of a healthy diet, you can incorporate into your daily diet. Don’t wait any longer and sign up for a healthy lifestyle now. Health!

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