How To Feel Happy And In A Good Mood Every Day

On many occasions we can feel our spirits on the ground. Thus, we find ourselves unwilling to do absolutely nothing and, as if that were not enough, we are also in a very bad mood.

All of this can have many causes. Among them, one of the most important has to do with the type of diet we have in our daily lives.

A priori, it seems a lie, but a sedentary lifestyle and fatty, fried and heavy foods have a significant influence on creating a negative mood. Quite the opposite happens when we do what we are going to tell you.

Tips to keep you in a good mood

In this article we will introduce you to some tips that can help you improve your mood. They will help you, in turn, to feel good, with more desire to do all kinds of activities. This way you will enjoy a good mood.

Do physical activity every day

warm up before doing sports

Most people cannot spend enough time doing some exercises every day. However, there are ways to solve this small problem, a simple way to exercise is:

  • First of all, doing it in short periods.
  • Second, repeating the activity several times a day  at the time available.
  • Finally, the most important thing is that you manage to do it, no matter the time.

Don’t go on strict diets

When we stop eating something that we like a lot for fear of gaining weight, it can cause us to have a bad mood and also make us a little sad.  Food is very important in this regard.

Every now and then, we can eat those cravings and transform a frown into a smile. It is not necessary to overdo it and overeat. With a small portion it will be more than enough to calm that need of our body.

As Nardone would say, the essential thing in a diet is not to deprive yourself of what you like. The restriction of certain foods, in addition, creates an opposite and pernicious effect, since when they are eaten while prohibited, it is usually done impulsively.

Try to have a vase of fresh flowers

Flowers to decorate your balcony

When we surround ourselves with some beautiful and scented flowers, everything seems to be more cheerful and full of light, for this reason the activities that are done in an environment in which we have many flowers of different colors and aromas are more pleasant and relaxing.

Drink plenty of water

When we do not drink the water necessary for our body to function as it should, we can feel a kind of tiredness and discomfort. This is produced because our body is dehydrated due to the lack of fluid.

Try to include seaweed in your diet

Recipes with green algae.

Vitamin B (specifically vitamin B1, thiamine) is responsible for helping to metabolize carbohydrates  so that our body has the energy it needs and thus be able to carry out all daily activities. In addition, you can find supplements based on algae on the market.

Less sugar should be consumed

In many opportunities we can believe that eating a sweet rich in sugar will help us end the day with energy and happiness. However, we are very wrong, since that energy lasts very little.

In fact, studies like this support an adverse effect of sugar intake from sweet foods / beverages on long-term psychological health and suggest that lower sugar intake may be associated with better psychological health.

Thus, it may be favorable to choose a snack that has less sugar and calories, which will still provide us with a good amount of strength and energy, such as a cereal bar.

Take a walk before lunch

Taking a short walk before noon can be beneficial, since precisely at that time the body is responsible for releasing an amount of melatonin, a substance that causes sleep. If you go out for a little walk in the fresh air, this feeling of sleep will soon pass and you will feel animated the rest of the day.

You should always have breakfast

You should never stay without having breakfast and it has to be very complete. It is the main meal of the day. Remember that you have spent many hours without eating anything. Therefore, you must nourish yourself well to have enough energy during the day.

At breakfast it is convenient to include proteins, very fresh fruits and some dairy.

The above tips are quite simple to do, we hope you put them into practice and they will be of some use to you. However, remember that you can always go to a specialist if you think you need personalized attention.


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