6 Signs Of Negative Energies That You Should Try To Clean

The feeling that an environment is “charged”, emotional discomfort and fatigue can be attributed to negative energies. According to popular beliefs, these appear as a consequence of resentment, envy and other emotions that have not been managed correctly and have been allowed to “accumulate.”

Since in one way or another the discomfort ends up affecting the mood, there are people who perform cleansing rituals (which would be a kind of catharsis) to “release” negative energies and make room for a healthier environment.

The rituals can consist of dancing, cleaning the house in a certain way, going for a run, laughing, drawing, painting … each person chooses the option that works best for them.

Here we share 6 signs that there are accumulated negative energies and that it is time to release them in order to feel better.

1. You are in a bad mood continuously

Pensive woman in a bad mood because of accumulated negative energies.

Being constantly angry and finding only the negative in everything you do, live and breathe is a sign that something is not right with you and that you carry, even without realizing it, an unresolved internal discomfort.

If anger does not let you live calmly and only causes you problems, it is time for you to pause and look for a way to resolve the conflict with yourself. Remember to be kind and patient with yourself in the process. And if you need it, go to the psychologist.

2. You constantly complain

Sometimes, it is inevitable to complain about some things to vent. Now, when this becomes a constant in your life, it is possible that you have accumulated negative energies, as a result of the stress of the routine.

Complaining about situations or people and staying is not bad, as long as it does not become a way of life. Remember that while grieving may bring some relief, it is not enough for long-term wellness.

Put into practice the measures you need to feel better. Do you need to break with the routine? Start practicing some physical activity that you like, such as zumba or some type of dance. Do you need to go out more? Try to walk for half an hour every day. Do you need to connect with other people? Join a course and make new friends.

Keep in mind that you have the power to design your reality. 

3. You feel extreme tiredness

Extreme fatigue (physical and mental) that does not go away with a good night’s sleep can not only be a sign that we are eating poorly or that something is not right with our health. It can also be a symptom that you are charged with negative energies.

4. You have difficulty socializing

Although this is not always the case, it is possible that if you have accumulated negative energies you will have difficulty interacting efficiently with other people and even with yourself. As we mentioned before, when everything bothers you and it is difficult for you to see the good in each moment and situation, difficulties may arise in the social sphere.

Paying attention, practicing active listening, effectively handling criticism, and interpreting what others are saying can be difficult when you’re saturated. Conversations exhaust you, you have the feeling that others are not pleased with you (or even make fun of you) and every word they say to you (and you say) causes you discomfort and concern.

Pause, reconnect with yourself, let go of the bad and start over. Worth it.

5. You experience tension and headache

Woman in front of the computer with headache.

A headache is usually one of the most obvious symptoms of emotional distress. At the popular level, it is often said that it is a sign that you are charged with negative energies and that you should do “a cleaning”.

If you consider that this is your case, try to find a method of relief: meditate, dance, play sports, go for a walk, play with your pet, but do not stay with ruminant thoughts and a body full of tension.

The practice of pleasant activities, surrounding yourself with positive people and resorting to relaxation techniques whenever necessary are some of the best remedies in these cases.

Discover: Aromatherapy to feel better

6. You have more frictions and fights

Having difficulty solving problems through dialogue, feeling constantly attacked, maintaining a defensive attitude towards everything and fighting over anything are signs that you have accumulated negative energies.

When you are saturated, you are not only bad with yourself, you are also bad with others. You are more prone to misinterpretation, friction and fighting. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to relieve yourself in order to be able to be well with others again.

Give yourself time to reconnect with yourself, regain your balance and talk with whoever you need to clear the bad vibes.

Negative energies overwhelm you? Change that!

Psychologist with patient during a therapy session.

As negative energies can harm your well-being, it is important that you learn to recognize their signals and make the respective adjustments to prevent them from persisting over time and continuing to cause you discomfort.

If you consider that you need help to manage your discomfort, consider going to the psychologist, the professional will not be there to judge you or reproach you for anything, but to help you better manage your thoughts and emotions so that you can get what you want and be good with yourself.

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