The Most Beneficial Fruits For Our Health

Among the wide variety of existing fruits, there are some that are especially healthy thanks to their contribution of fiber, vitamins, minerals and different active ingredients. Including them in the diet helps maintain good health levels and prevent many diseases.

We are in a world in constant motion, with high levels of stress and illness. Therefore, the knowledge about which are the most beneficial fruits for health can be very decisive to achieve a balanced diet. There are some juicy and others drier, but all fruits are rich in vital elements for the body. With a healthy and balanced diet it will be possible to prevent diseases and avoid medication.

Eating an apple a day for six months helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). This fruit is capable of fighting free radicals, responsible for aging and serious diseases. Thanks to its contribution of polyphenols, it reduces the risk of stroke by half.

The most beneficial fruits


Cherries contain ellagic acid, an active ingredient that, together with quercetins, has anti-cancer and anti-aging effects. These little fruits are a powerful enemy of uric acid, and they also fight inflammation and infection.

In turn, they contain anthocyanins. These flavonoids are also present in blueberries. Its antioxidant capacity has been evidenced by current scientific articles. The consumption of these fruits allows to delay aging and reduce the incidence of metabolic diseases.

On the other hand, vitamin C and beta-carotene in melon are also powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage caused by stress. On the other hand, its potassium intake lowers blood pressure. These nutrients are also capable of increasing the immune response, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients .

The lycopene in tomatoes, in turn, reduces the risk of bladder, stomach, colon and prostate cancer if eaten daily. It also contributes to improving cardiovascular health.

Raisins are a source of iron that helps carry oxygen in the blood. In addition, they prevent deficiencies of this mineral, especially in women.

Lemon and lime

Lime slices

Lemons and limes are rich in vitamin C.  These citrus fruits provide citric acid, other vitamins (A, B1 and B2) and minerals (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and calcium).

They help fight diarrhea and constipation, decrease stomach acidity and the risk of arteriosclerosis.

  • To counteract the fat in the hair, it is useful to mix lemon, orange and grapefruit juice with wheat germ and take it on an empty stomach.
  • If the hair is dry, it will be enough to liquefy the lemon juice with soy lecithin and a little water, and also eat it on an empty stomach

    Another fruit rich in vitamin C is strawberry, which is beneficial for regulating blood pressure. Five or six pieces a day meet the needs of this vitamin. It is also capable of reducing the risk of breast and stomach cancer, as stated in a study published in the journal Nature .

    To protect the skin

    The effects of some fruits are also beneficial for the skin. Next, we will see some of the most influential in this regard:

    • The seeds of the pomegranate protect the dermis and epidermis, due to their regenerative properties. They are ideal for sunburns, aging skin, wrinkles and spots caused by ultraviolet rays.
    • Watermelons also take care of the skin. They have a type of amino acid that reduces stress and prevents strokes and heart attacks.
    • Papaya prevents stomach upset. It is recommended for people with pancreatic disorders and cystic fibrosis. In addition, it reduces inflammation and accelerates the healing of burns and wounds.
    • Its contribution of vitamins, antioxidants and flavonoids make grapefruit an effective protector against lung cancer. It takes care of the sight, the skin and helps to lose weight.
    • The high bromelain content of pineapple makes it the ideal fruit. It helps digest proteins and also has a diuretic capacity.

    Avocado: high in fat, low in damage


    75% of its calories come from monounsaturated fats, it is rich in vitamins B, K and E. In addition, it lowers the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and is a destroyer of precancerous cells.

    This fruit must be included in the usual diet to guarantee a correct supply of unsaturated lipids.

    3 highly healthy natural products

    There are foods of natural origin that are a source of nutrients and beneficial effects for the body.

    Here are some examples of it:

    • The almond is rich in nutrients and antioxidants, it provides us with magnesium, iron, calcium, fiber, and riboflavin. This dried fruit keeps cholesterol levels stable, protects the heart, reduces appetite and increases vitamin E.
    • The powerful anticancer effect of broccoli is unquestionable. It is rich in fiber, calcium, potassium, folic acid and phytonutrients; its main active ingredient against cancer is the enzyme myrosinase. In addition, it prevents the risk of osteoarthritis.
    • Blueberries are one of the most beneficial fruits, as they delay Parkinson’s symptoms. They decrease obesity and the risk of hypertension and heart attack. They also fight bladder infections and block pathogens that cause cavities, bacterial or fungal infections.

      Include fruits beneficial to health in the diet

      As we have seen, many fruits contain substances capable of exerting a positive effect on human health in their composition. It is important to include them with some regularity in the diet to improve the functioning of physiological reactions and prevent the onset of diseases in the medium and long term.

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