9 Things In Your Home That You Should Wash Every Day

There are many items in your home that are best washed every day. Although it is not always visible to the naked eye , they accumulate dust, dirt and other particles that can be harmful when they accumulate in excess.

In fact, when they are not given regular disinfection, they can be the route of transmission for infectious diseases. Therefore, it is essential to do a general cleaning and spend several minutes cleaning certain objects daily. 

What things in your home should you clean every day?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention agree that cleaning and disinfecting the home is critical to preventing the spread of disease. In particular, there are some items that tend to get dirtier. Therefore, it is essential to clean them every day.

1. Kitchen towels

Kitchen towels are one of the items that must be washed most often, due to their frequent exposure to food debris and bacteria.

Although they do not always look dirty, they accumulate a large number of microorganisms that easily proliferate in their tissues. As a consequence of this, other surfaces are contaminated, and when they make contact with the body, they can influence the appearance of certain diseases.

Kitchen towels

2. Keys

Keys are one of the most contaminated items in the home and, despite this, they are rarely properly disinfected. Contamination appears, since it makes contact with our hands, pockets and various surfaces that can contain viruses and bacteria.

Therefore, to avoid health problems, the ideal is to wash them every day with disinfectant soap, or clean them with antiseptic wipes.

3. Dishwashing sponge

Although ironically designed to clean, sponges are one of the dirtiest and most contaminated objects in the kitchen, accumulating food debris, dirt and water. This, as we have commented, helps to create an ideal environment for the growth of fungi and bacteria.

4. Sink

Some people think that sinks are not easily contaminated because they receive soap residue every time someone uses them.

However, this idea is wrong, since bacteria and fungi proliferate easily due to its moist surface. In addition, dead skin cells, dirt and other debris cause these microorganisms to multiply.

5. Coffee maker

The walls of the coffee maker also tend to create an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that can affect health. For this reason, it is necessary to clean it once it has been used, and disassemble each of its parts to remove all the coffee remains.

Coffee maker

6. Cutting board

The wooden boards used in the kitchen to cut food are the source of microbes and fungi that can affect health. Since they are exposed to food debris and humidity, it is common for microorganisms to proliferate very easily on their surface.

Luckily, these boards can be disinfected naturally, taking advantage of, for example, the antibacterial properties of lemon or white vinegar.

7. Makeup brushes

The continuous use of makeup brushes and foams, and their contact with the skin, is the main reason why they should be washed every day. Although it is not usually noticed, dead cells and bacteria accumulate in these that, later, can affect the health of the skin.

The American Association of the Academy of Dermatology suggests washing them with warm water and mild shampoo. In addition, it recommends rinsing them until they look free of product residues.

8. Toilet

For obvious reasons, the toilet is one of the household items most contaminated with bacteria, viruses, and mold. Its wet surface facilitates the growth of microorganisms, especially when it is not disinfected on a regular basis.

Not only does this increase the risk of disease when it comes into contact with the body, but it almost always results in strong and unpleasant odors.

The toilet should be flushed every day

9. Bathroom tiles

Bathroom tiles are surfaces that retain water, bacteria and product remains that can affect health. They should be washed every day, as they tend to accumulate mold, dirt and microorganisms with infectious potential.

Ideally, wash them with disinfectant products such as white vinegar or baking soda, after using the shower.

How regularly do you wash these items? Now that you know how important it is to clean them every day, take a few minutes to keep them free of pollutants. 

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