Brittle Nails? Try These Natural Remedies!

You have brittle nails, they break easily, they open very flush with the finger and are thin and weak, then you must try some natural remedies that will help you improve and strengthen them.

Do not hesitate to get a medical check-up to verify the reasons for your brittle nails and to follow a proper diet. In this article we tell you more.

Do I have brittle nails?

care-nails-fragile nails

When you’re doing housework, working in the office, or playing with your kids, suddenly a fingernail breaks off by catching an object.

Or at the end of the day you realize that it has been chipped very close to the finger.

The symptoms or signs of brittle nails are:

  • Little consistency
  • Bankruptcies
  • Weakness
  • Fineness
  • Splinters
  • Breaks
  • Layered cuts

The reasons why you may be suffering from weak brittle nails are varied, although the most common are:

Food deficiencies

If you don’t get enough vitamins A and B, calcium, iron, and zinc, your nails are more likely to be brittle and break easily.

Descaling problems manifest as white marks near the cuticles. Pay close attention to this sign.

Health problems

If the body is weakened due to illness, operation, or even depression, then the nails will break.

In general, the associated pathologies are anemia, rheumatism, thyroid or circulatory problems.

So, do not hesitate to go to the doctor for a routine check-up to determine if you are sick.

External aggressions

External aggressions

Housework without gloves and contact with strong chemical cleaners can gradually deteriorate the outer layers of the nails.

The same happens when being in prolonged contact with water.

In turn, if they are continuously painted and cannot “breathe” or rest properly they will begin to weaken more and more, then you will have brittle nails.

Nor is it good to file them all the time.

Biting your nails or always putting them in your mouth can also weaken them, due to saliva and pulling or cutting with the teeth.

Home remedies to strengthen nails

Assuming that the problem of weak nails is due to your care and not a health issue, you can use home remedies to reverse the situation.

Among the most effective we have:

Oil and lemon treatment

Oil and lemon treatment

Olive oil has many properties and is used for various aesthetic uses.

Therefore, if you have brittle nails, they break easily and you don’t already know what to do to improve them, this recipe can be of great help.


  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (14 g)
  •  1 teaspoon (5 ml) lemon juice


  • First, in a small container add the olive oil and mix with the lemon juice.
  • Then wash and dry your hands well, especially in the nail area.
  • Afterwards, apply a little of this preparation on the cuticles at night.
  • Massage well, so that the liquid penetrates the skin.
  • Repeat the treatment 3 times a week and do not rinse it off.
  • If you want, you can use almond or tea tree oil instead of olive.

Vinegar, oil and beer treatment

Vinegar, oil and beer treatment

The most effective home remedies are those that are prepared with elements that we can have at home or that are very easy to get.

In this case, the recipe contains 3 components that are surely present in every home.


  • 1 tablespoon of beer (10 ml)
  • Apple cider vinegar (10 ml) 1 tablespoon
  •  Olive oil (14 g) 1 tablespoon


  • First place the beer at room temperature in a container.
  • Add the vinegar and olive oil and mix well to make a homogeneous liquid.
  • Then insert your fingers after they have been washed and dried.
  • Let it act for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water.

Herbal treatment

Herbal sitz baths

Plants are great allies for beauty and general well-being. In this case, you will use horsetail, which is a herb rich in silica. This component will add shine and strength to your nails.


  • Dried horsetail (10 g) 1 tablespoon
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of comfrey (10 g)


  • First, put the horsetail and comfrey in a saucepan.
  • Then add the water and heat.
  • Then when it comes to a boil, let the decoction take place for 5 minutes.
  • Remove from the fire and let cool.
  • Strain and soak your fingers for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this procedure several times a week.

Papaya and egg treatment

The properties of this tropical fruit for our aesthetics are really interesting. If we add the enzymes and nutrients in the egg yolk to that, the result could not be better.

An ideal treatment for brittle nails, and even for rough hands.


  • 2 tablespoons of papaya juice (20 ml)
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Almond oil (4.6 g) 1 teaspoon


  • First, in a container, place the papaya juice (it can also be the pulp of the fruit, well trodden).
  • Second, add the egg yolk and almond oil.
  • Third, beat everything very well so that you have a homogeneous paste.
  • Then apply a little of this preparation on each nail with a gentle massage.
  • Leave on for half an hour.
  • Wash with cold water.

Oil and honey treatment

Among the most effective essential oils to improve the appearance of nails we have castor oil and wheat germ.

In fact, when combined with honey the result will be a perfect remedy to strengthen them.


  • Castor oil (9 g) 2 teaspoons
  • 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil (4.6 g)
  • Honey (7.5 g) 1 teaspoon


  • First, in an empty nail polish container, place the two oils.
  • Then add the honey, close and mix well.
  • Then apply with the brush, as if you were painting your nails.
  • Repeat every night, before sleeping, for a month.

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