3 Keys To Take Care Of Your Thyroid And Immune Health

Thyroid health is related to the immune system in a much more relevant way than is believed. It is essential to maintain strong defenses, because these can help prevent various pathologies, including those related to the thyroid gland.

If it is suspected that you may have some type of abnormality of these characteristics, it is very important to see a doctor. It is likely that this refer to the endocrinologist, a specialist in these types of problems. But is there really a disease that can link both systems?

The answer is yes. It is a disorder that relates the thyroid to the immune system, known as “autoimmune thyroiditis” or Hashimoto’s disease.

This pathology is characterized by a reaction of the immune system against the thyroid gland, which causes hypothyroidism. According to the National Library of Medicine of the United States, it usually affects, above all, middle-aged women and its appearance is slow and progressive.

Thus,  we must not forget the importance of establishing periodic reviews with the doctor to be alert to any symptoms. Here are 5 important keys to keep in mind.

Taking Care of Your Thyroid and Immune Health

1. Take care of your nutrition and maintain a healthy and balanced diet

Green juice to improve thyroid health

A very suitable way to strengthen the defenses is through a correct and balanced diet. It is also recommended to include huge amounts of fruits and vegetables, given their vitamin and mineral content.

However, this study carried out by Dr. Pedreros of the National University of Colombia recommends caution with the consumption of crucifers, since he considers that their consumption could be harmful in people who suffer from certain thyroid disorders.

Keep in mind, according to the Mayo Clinic, that there are no foods or diets to treat thyroid problems. The most advisable thing in these cases is to speak with an endocrinologist, who will establish the dietary guidelines to follow.

If you want your body to be nourished with healthy ingredients, take note of the following recipe:


  • The juice of ½ lemon
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 3 spinach leaves
  • 1 small carrot
  • 1 glass of coconut water (200 ml)


  • Make sure all food is very clean. The first thing you should do is get the lemon juice and then cut the apple and celery into small pieces to facilitate the blending.
  • Once in the blender, add the rest of the ingredients and try to get a very homogeneous juice.

You can try including it as a mid-morning snack , or between lunch and dinner. Of course, as already mentioned, you must first consult a health specialist.

2. Practice moderate exercise

Woman running to improve her thyroid health

To take care of your defenses and thyroid health, it is advisable to practice moderate exercise, which does not tire you too much but becomes a daily habit. Something as simple as walking briskly for  half an hour a day can do a lot for your overall health.

If needed, you can consult a doctor or even use a personal trainer. The practice of certain types of exercises, as stated in this study by a team from the Central University of Ecuador, could alter the production of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, something problematic, especially if you suffer from hyperthyroidism.

This is because this condition increases brittleness in the bones, which could more easily cause sprains, dislocations, or breaks. In the same way, the intake of zinc is recommended to increase athletic performance, since it inhibits the thyroid hormone-lowering effects.

3. Protect yourself from everyday toxic agents

Woman washing vegetables

We know that it is not easy to protect yourself from contamination and harmful external agents. However, there are very simple guidelines that can help you  on a day-to-day basis. They are as follows:

  • If you are going to exercise or walk, avoid doing it in areas near roads or urban centers. Choose a park or the beach, for example. A natural setting that allows you to breathe fresh air.
  • Always wash each food you are going to consume with clean water.
  • Take care that the food you eat is as natural as possible. Avoid industrial or ultra-processed foods and sugary drinks.
  • Become aware of those everyday objects where bacteria accumulate, such as railings, shopping carts, bathrooms … When you touch them, try not to put your hands to your mouth or nose.
  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature.

Do emotions influence the immune system?

Happy smiling woman

In addition to the guidelines mentioned above, it is important to know that the immune system is very sensitive to stress. In fact, this research by a team from the University of Kentucky (United States) has concluded that, although eventual stress can be beneficial for humans and their survival, the opposite occurs when it becomes chronic.

The moment stress drags on over time and becomes habitual, the immune system begins to suffer. 

For this reason, some recommended guidelines to cope with moments of stress are these:

  • Keep a scale of priorities in your day to day. You need to have a couple of hours for yourself, for your hobbies, to think and rest.
  • Learn to enjoy the moment. Yesterday can no longer be changed and the future does not exist, so value what really matters: the present.

Prioritizing also means knowing what is not important in your life and what is hurting you. Don’t be afraid to say no, to put aside what you don’t like, or to reject what you don’t want. You will gain in health .

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