Rejuvenating Skin Scrub With Vitamin C And Grape

To obtain the maximum benefits from this scrub, it is essential that we include both the skin and the grape seeds, which are rich in antioxidant substances

To prevent aging caused by free radicals, we must eat a balanced diet and exercise. In addition, we can also use cosmetic products with antioxidant properties, such as this rejuvenating scrub.

In this article we detail how you can make this simple cosmetic at home. It contains  vitamin C and grapes, two ingredients that can help you achieve a firm, luminous face without wrinkles.  

A rejuvenating scrub?

If we want to fight against the signs of the passage of time in our skin we should do a  peeling once a week. This can help us remove dead skin cells and promote regeneration. This can help us maintain a revitalized skin without wrinkles.

To further enhance the renewing benefits of the  peel, we will  use this rejuvenating exfoliator based on vitamin C and grape.

If we have oily skin we can do the exfoliation twice a week. On the other hand, if we have it dry or sensitive, we will do it only every 10 days.

exfoliating cream

However, before doing a  peel , you must take into account several aspects about it.

First of all, there are different types of  peels for different types of skin. Therefore, it is best to always consult a specialist who will recommend the most suitable for our skin type.

Also, you should avoid this treatment if you have scarring or hormonal problems.

It is also not recommended to apply this treatment if you have a skin wound or are pregnant or breastfeeding. This is especially important if you do a  chemical peel .

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a nutrient that  participates in the metabolism of collagen. Thus, this protein gives the skin the necessary elasticity to prevent wrinkles and give it firmness.

In this way, it helps to prevent expression marks and to hide those we already have or even prevent them from deepening.

Vitamin C can also  help us to brighten the skin and prevent and eliminate blemishes. This is due to its antioxidant properties that help remove free radicals from the skin.

In general, we usually consume vitamin C in supplement form, in capsules or tablets. This should always be done with a prescription.

However, in this article we present the virtues of its topical use to enhance its benefits for the skin. Thus, we will take advantage of its powdery texture to make us a  soft but effective peeling  .

The grape

We have heard of the rejuvenating properties of wine. These are due to the multiple health benefits that grapes provide us.

  • This fruit is rich in polyphenols, antioxidant substances found mainly in the peel and the seeds.

    For this reason, we must always consume and use the whole grape and, specifically, the red or black variety.

    • Another notable component is resveratrol. It is another antioxidant that can help us eliminate free radicals from the body. This can help us fight aging.

    A precious oil is also extracted from the nutrient-rich grape seed that is increasingly popular for its health benefits and cosmetic use. This contains vitamins B, C, and K, fiber, minerals and essential fatty acids that provide regenerative properties of the skin.

    Whenever possible we will use and consume organic grapes, since these have not usually been treated with pesticides. These synthetic substances gradually harm us and we should avoid them.

    grapeseed oil

    A homemade and natural scrub

    This vitamin C and grape scrub is very simple to prepare. Therefore, we can always do it at the moment, before applying it.

    Also, it is cheap and 100% natural. Thus, it can bring many benefits to our skin.


    • 1 capsule (1 g) of vitamin C powder
    • 2 organic red grapes, with their peel and their seeds

    These are the amounts for a single application, in order to better maintain the antioxidant properties of the scrub. We recommend preparing it before each use.


    We will prepare this rejuvenating scrub in a very simple way:

    • First we will empty the vitamin C capsule into a mortar.
    • Then, we will add the two well washed grapes and we will crush everything until it is a paste.
    • We will not remove the seeds or the skin of the grape since, as we have indicated previously, they are rich in antioxidants.

    How do we use it?

    Every time we want to use this rejuvenating scrub, we must follow the following steps:

    • First, we will moisten our skin with a little hot water to open the pores.
    • Next, we will take a little of the preparation, approximately the size of a hazelnut, and we will apply it to our face.
    • Afterwards, we will massage the skin gently, insisting on the areas of the forehead, nose and chin.
    • Later. We will wait a couple of minutes before washing our face so that the skin absorbs the antioxidant nutrients.
    • After drying our face we will always apply our usual moisturizing lotion.
    • We recommend doing it at night in case it causes us a little redness.

    And that’s it! What is easy? Go ahead and try it at home.

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