Discover Essential Foods In The Diet

Lately we hear about “new” vegetables or condiments that our grandmothers did not know. However, today they are recommended as superfoods, including kale, basil, acai, chia, among others. We do not doubt its benefits, but why not review some essential and well-known foods? Those foods that are necessary for a healthy and balanced diet, also known and  easy to get  and include in any dish.

Also read 7 superfoods that promote heart health

Essential and accessible foods


A balanced diet should contain a little of everything, but the tomato should never be lacking. It has antioxidants, which help cell rejuvenation, and vitamins A, C and E. The appreciated tomato was used as a decorative plant, until in the 18th century it began to be consumed as food.

In addition, the tomato is pure water, which makes it ideal for maintaining weight. It also has a fantastic substance for the body, lycopene, which prevents the appearance of certain cancers, such as lung and prostate.


The delicious avocado has a spectrum of benefits that help from a pregnant woman to a grown man. It has folic acid, necessary to prevent malformations in the fetus, and its fats prevent the development of cholesterol.

As highlighted by a study published in the journal Advances in Neurobiology,  avocado contains phytochemicals, whose antioxidant action has a potential neuroprotective effect.

This is due to its ability to decrease the generation of free radicals, which can cause neuronal damage. Thus, it could be beneficial in preventing diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Avocado is an essential food.


This essential, aromatic and fresh food is a natural protector of the body. It is better to consume it fresh, since it is the way in which it maintains all its properties. In addition, it is an excellent regulator of blood pressure and aids digestion.

On the other hand, many chefs recommend removing its green inner part – the sprout – because it can be heavy on digestion. The rest of the garlic clove can be consumed whole. Also, as a curiosity, garlic can have certain aphrodisiac effects.


Celery is famous for stimulating sexual potency. This ability is believed to be attributed to celery promoting blood circulation and consequently enhancing sexual potency.

In addition, its consumption helps to improve small memory problems related to age. Celery also has a high percentage of iron, which is why it is an essential food against anemia. Finally, as a curiosity, celery juice helps to overcome sleep disorders.

The chocolate

Although it is accused of promoting weight gain, chocolate has more virtues than defects. It is energetic, since consuming a small amount gains a lot in energy. In addition, just 100 grams of dark chocolate has 375 milligrams of phosphorus. On the other hand, the polyphenols found in chocolate make it a heart protector and a cancer preventive agent.

The spinach

Spinach not only gives strength, it helps maintain good eyesight. In addition to being a basic source of iron, spinach is as good or better for the eyes than carrot, since it concentrates a good amount of lutein, a substance that strengthens the retina.

Spinach bowl.

The apples

The apple is the fruit par excellence. These essential foods reduce the amount of proteins and lipids, and have a high percentage of vitamins, water and salts. In addition, they also act against brain cell damage.


It is true, raisins have a high concentration of sugar, but that is precisely what makes them a wonderful energy engine for children, the elderly and athletes. In addition, in their small space, they have an almost perfect balance of five important minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and potassium.

The salmon

Salmon, especially wild salmon, is considered one of the essential foods since it has large amounts of Omega-3, a substance that prevents heart disease. The most advisable thing is to incorporate this fish in the children’s diet for its fantastic nutritional contribution.

The yogurt

A yogurt a day helps any adult to strengthen calcium in the body and children to prevent infections. In addition, it would be among the essential foods for low calorie diets. Whole or skimmed, yogurt is a perfect product for your diet.

Bowl of liquid yogurt.


Broccoli is a good source of vitamin A  (mainly in the form of beta-carotenes), vitamin C, and folic acid. This is so to the point that a 200 gram serving provides more than three times the daily recommendations for vitamin C and half the recommended intakes for folic acid.

The Cranberries

They are considered a source of vitamins C and K, in addition to their richness in manganese. Blueberries are the perfect staple foods to take alone or as part of recipes, for example with yogurt. Whether they are red or black, be sure to try them as an accompaniment to smoothies, cakes or other desserts.

In short, we invite you to eat a colorful and healthy diet. Prepare the dishes you prefer with these ingredients. Look for recipes on our site, we have lots of healthy food and drink recipes!

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