Remedies For Tension Headache

Surely you have ever suffered from the so-called tension headache, it affects both sides of the head, and not just one as often happens with migraine. To this constant stabbing pain is added a stiffness in the neck and scalp, a discomfort that appears especially in the middle of the day and that gains strength during the afternoon.

It is a type of headache that the vast majority of the population suffers, but if it lasts for several days a week and for three months in a row, we would already be facing a chronic condition that would require a specific type of treatment.

In the face of tension headaches, it is common for us to resort to some analgesic, but sometimes we would like to avoid its consumption. Hence, we offer you some natural remedies with which to allow you a break, since their causes are due to situations of anxiety and stress, which we can control taking into account their triggers.

Causes of tension headache

Tension headache has many triggers.

There are many factors that cause these annoying headaches, but these could be the root causes:

  • Stress and anxiety situations.
  • Staying for a long time in an uncomfortable and incorrect position for the axis of the body and the head, where the muscles and nerves are overloaded.
  • Having your eyes fixed on something for a long time, or even having vision problems and using an incorrect prescription on your glasses or lenses.
  • A poor diet with vitamin and mineral deficiencies (magnesium, vitamin B …).

Types of tension headaches

According to the scientific literature, we have two types of tension headache:

  • Type I: is the one that lasts for several months, having a higher incidence in the morning, then it stops and appears in the afternoon. The pain is centered on both sides and in the occipital part.
  • Type II: it is the most common in the population, it is characterized by diffuse pain and an annoying sensation of pressure. It lasts between one and three days. Medications, for their part, usually do not relieve it.

    Differences between migraine and tension headache

    Tension headache presents more as a generalized pain with pressure in the temples and behind the head, also in the neck. Sometimes it lasts for hours, or just over half an hour, lasts for two or three days, and then disappears.

    For its part, migraine has a very localized pain, sometimes it occurs on only one side of the head, the light bothers us, we feel nausea, dizziness … something that, for example, does not appear with tension headaches, which sometimes disappear with a simple neck massage.

    Tension headache remedies

    Vitamin B

    According to multiple studies, vitamin B could help us relieve headaches. It is advisable to consult with the doctor if it would be possible to add an extra supply of vitamins through the tablets that are usually sold in natural stores.

    If the professional gives his approval, then we can take a 250-milligram capsule a day for two weeks to recover.

    You can also find vitamin B in cow livers, oily fish, and eggs and green leafy plants.


    Lavender is perfect for stress and headache relief. We can take it as an infusion, taken in the morning and in the middle of the afternoon it can solve the tension headache. You can also put a few drops of lavender essential oil in boiling water and inhale the steam, as an aromatherapy.


    According to some studies, this plant has substances that help regulate neurotransmitters in the brain, and normalize blood flow in it. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it perfect if we take it as an infusion. Take two of these flowers, put them to boil in water and drink them in the middle of the afternoon.

    Tension headache affects all ages.


    Magnesium is effective in preventing and relieving headaches and migraines: it is a mineral that relaxes muscles and relieves stress, calming nerves and headaches. It is found in brown rice, cocoa powder, pumpkin seeds, dried basil, Brazil nuts …


    A perfect remedy to treat headaches. If we take two infusions a day: morning and afternoon, we will notice its beneficial effects. For this, two teaspoons of dried mint are enough for a cup of very hot water, let it rest for a few minutes and drink it little by little and without haste.

    Other tips

    • Use a good pillow to sleep, the position in which we put the neck and head is very important.
    • Take care of your posture when reading, working or doing other activities.
    • Get in the habit of stretching your neck, back and shoulders from time to time  to avoid overloading.
    • Check your vision, tension headaches sometimes the discomfort is related to an unattended vision problem.
    • Manage your stressful situations, take your personal time, rest and set priorities.

    Better safe than sorry!

    There are many types of headaches, but all of them are very annoying and can prevent us from carrying out our day to day well and performing certain activities. Here are some easy tips and remedies so you can have some relief from tension headache pain.

    However, and as we always advise, the first thing you should do is see your doctor if these problems are very persistent.

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