End Insomnia With These Homemade Juices

If you suffer from insomnia, you wake up at midnight or you have a hard time getting a good rest and you wake up without energy, we recommend that you try these homemade juices.

In this article we share 5 delicious combinations with medicinal properties that will help you fall asleep and have a good rest.

Treat insomnia with diet

Insomnia is a disorder that affects many people and greatly affects their quality of life. If we do not rest at night we will not be able to recover energy and our body will be more predisposed to suffering from diseases.

In addition, those who suffer from insomnia can have great anguish when they want to sleep and not achieve it. For this reason, they often resort to drugs that, however, have side effects for health.

We recommend trying these natural and homemade juices that, in addition to being delicious, will help us fight insomnia in a natural way.

5 natural juices

Try these combinations to create juices with relaxing properties or mix the different ingredients to your liking for new recipes.

1. Pineapple and beets


This refreshing pink juice will provide us with the nutrients we need to sleep better:

  • Pineapple: Pineapple is rich in tryptophan, which is the precursor to melatonin and serotonin. Melotonin helps us fall asleep, while serotonin increases our sense of well-being.
  • Beetroot: Beetroot stands out for its high magnesium content, which is closely related to some types of insomnia. When we have a deficit of this mineral in our body, our sleep is superficial and we wake up several times during the night.

    2. Banana, strawberry and spinach

    This creamy and balanced juice is the ideal snack if we want to improve the night’s rest. Although it has spinach among its ingredients, the predominant flavor is that of banana and strawberry:

    • Banana: Banana is very beneficial for treating insomnia thanks to its magnesium content, which will help us relax the muscles in case of tension.
    • Spinach: Spinach stands out for its content of vitamin B6, which encourages our brain to generate melatonin and serotonin.  

    3. Tomato and lettuce


    This vegetable juice can be a salty alternative similar to gazpacho. We can season it with sea salt, olive oil, garlic and vinegar:

    • Tomato: Tomato promotes the production of melatonin and is rich in magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.
    • Wild lettuce: Wild lettuce stands out for its incredible sedative and relaxing properties. Analgesic virtues are also recognized, so it will also help us to rest better if we suffer from chronic pain.

    4. Carrot and almond

    This delicate juice, in addition to fighting insomnia, is very beneficial for the eyes, for the skin and for the bones:

    • Carrot: Like spinach, carrots are rich in vitamin B6.
    • Almond: Almonds contain essential fatty acids omega 3 and 6. By having good levels of these nutrients we get a more restful sleep.

    5. Cherry and oatmeal


    This juice is delicious, with a slight acid touch that we can sweeten with a little stevia or honey:

    • Cherry: Cherry contains melatonin and magnesium, among other beneficial nutrients. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and relieves muscle aches.
    • Oats: Oats are a very special cereal since, despite being very energetic, it has relaxing properties on our nervous system. In this way, it helps us fight insomnia, stress, anxiety and nervousness.

    When do we drink the juices?

    • We can drink these juices throughout the day, outside of meals, if we want to balance our nervous system. This can be very beneficial for people suffering from anxiety, stress, or irritability.
    • If we only want to treat insomnia, we will drink these juices throughout the afternoon. We will avoid drinking just before going to bed, as some are diuretics and could wake us up during the night with the need to urinate.
    • We must have a little patience, since we may not notice its effects from day one.
    • We recommend avoiding the consumption of stimulants, especially in the afternoon, such as coffee, tea, cocoa or cola.

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