Control Anxiety With Garlic, Onion, Pepper And Parsley Juice

Anxiety is an emotional state that occurs as a result of multiple daily tasks, overwork, worries, emotional problems or stress, among others.

Everyone can suffer from an anxiety problem at any time in their life, they are specific moments that we end up managing with greater or lesser effectiveness.

However, sometimes we can suffer  from chronic anxiety. In these cases, it is a priority that we always have specialized professionals. There are psychological therapies such as cognitive-behavioral, which are very effective for these types of conditions.

It should also be noted that women are the ones who are more likely to suffer from anxiety compared to men.

Studies such as the one published in the Journal of Family Medicine, for example, indicate that it is precisely when reaching middle age that there is a greater risk of suffering from anxiety disorders or depression.

Let’s see more data below.

Symptoms of anxiety

In addition to that feeling of constant anguish that this condition causes, there are some symptoms that can accompany this emotional problem. Rosa Aurora Virues Elizondo from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León in Monterrey, Mexico explains, among these are:

  • Tachycardias
  • Negative thoughts and focus.
  • Insomnia.
  • Sudden and unexplained feeling of discomfort.
  • Fears of specific situations.
  • Intense concern.
  • Irritability, tiredness.
  • Lack of concentration.
  • Feelings of panic
  • Recurring dizziness or choking.
  • Sweating

The best strategy to manage this condition is undoubtedly psychological therapy. Also, and in a complementary way, it will be of great help to carry out some changes.

Exercise, starting new practices such as Mindfulness , learning breathing and relaxation techniques are always positive.

Likewise, it is also necessary that we improve our diet.

Tips to control anxiety naturally

Positive mind

If you don’t want anxiety to control your life, start by mentalizing that you are a strong person and that you can solve everything. The positive mind and a more relaxed mental approach, brings many benefits to our emotions.

A more focused and relaxed look

Day by day life can put you in different challenges and situations that can stress you out.

It is important to take everything calmly and try not to give too much importance to the little things.

Training a more focused and relaxed approach always produces beneficial changes.

Identify triggers for anxiety

It is very important to be clear about why anxiety occurs and what possible solution there is for it. Clarifying our triggers is key to better cope with this psychological condition.

If possible, you should talk to someone you trust about the problem, to feel that you have support and that everything will improve.

Avoid the consumption of harmful substances

The excessive consumption of salt and sugar, as well as tobacco, alcohol and drugs, can affect your nervous system and influence constant states of anxiety.

Practice a relaxation technique

Yoga or listening to music work as good therapies to reduce anxiety. Furthermore, studies such as the one carried out at Boston University remind us of the great benefit of the practice of Mindfulness for these types of disorders.


Taking baths, receiving massages, or spraying with scented essential oils can help restore emotional balance.

Dedicate time

Not everything in your life should be work even though you have some obligations at home. Take time to do what you like, enjoy with the family, travel, go to a spa, go shopping or do some type of activity that generates pleasure.

Sleep well

Good quality sleep improves your mood and helps keep stress and anxiety problems at bay. Try to control your sleep schedule so that you can rest for 7 to 8 hours a day.

Control your anxiety with this garlic, onion, pepper and parsley juice

Taking into account the previous recommendations, we can also benefit from this garlic, onion, pepper and parsley juice to control your anxiety.

This juice combines the important properties of these foods to help you feel more satisfied and prevent anxiety from leading to overeating.

In addition, its nutrients strengthen the immune system, improve skin health and help prevent a large number of diseases.


  • A bunch of parsley
  • 2 bell peppers
  • 2 onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 glass of water (200ml)

Step by Step

  • Step 1: Clean and chop the peppers.
  • Step 2: Peel and cut the garlic cloves.
  • Step 3: Chop the parsley, discard the thick stems.
  • Step 4: Peel and chop the onions.
  • Step 5: Take everything to the blender and add the glass of water.
  • Step 6: Beat until smooth.

We recommend it!

To conclude, to better manage these types of conditions, do not hesitate to change habits, prioritize yourself and above all, always have specialized professionals and experts.

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