Does Drinking A Lot Of Tea Hurt Your Teeth?

Since tea can have the same effect as coffee on our teeth, it is important that we consume it as lightly as possible and then brush our teeth

We know that sweets are harmful to our oral health, but many times we do not take into account other foods or drinks that can also damage our teeth.

One of them is tea! Yes, the same that we consume to comfort ourselves in winter, relieve stomach pain or even to lose weight.

In this article we will tell you if drinking a lot of tea is bad for your teeth and what types of infusion are recommended. Do not miss it!

Tea: The Good or the Bad of the Movie?

First of all, we want to remind you that to maintain healthy teeth it is essential to make frequent visits to the dentist. It is the best way to prevent more serious problems over time.

Now yes. If you drink a lot of black tea, like coffee, it could stain your teeth due to its composition: tannins. This component is lodged in the tiny enamel fissures that are in the teeth and causes them to be rougher.

In addition, it increases the possibility of accumulating tartar, retaining bacteria and producing cavities. Of course, the more tannins in a drink, the more stains and yellow teeth.

Let’s think for a moment what happens to a fabric (like our favorite shirt) when tea is spilled on it … It stains, right? Something similar happens in our teeth without us noticing it!

the good or the bad of the movie

It is clear that, with such a presentation, we will banish tea from our daily diet. But you don’t have to be so drastic. Drinking in moderation can be a good way to counteract its effects.

We also have the possibility of adding milk to neutralize the acids and, of course, drink more water to “sweep” and clean the area well.

What would be a “moderate” consumption of tea? This is a query that many people ask. Everything will depend on several factors. Nutrition experts advise that a maximum of 2 cups a day (about 5 grams of herbs in total) is ideal.

As for the best time of day to enjoy a delicious infusion … When you like it the most! Some choose it at breakfast, others before bed, there are also those who prefer mid-morning and those who opt for a tea after lunch.

However, returning to the initial question of whether tea is good or bad for the health of the teeth, we must say that, unfortunately, it is on the list of the worst foods and drinks that we can choose. If we want to show off a bright smile like the one in toothpaste advertising.

We may think that drinking tea is better than coffee, but in reality it is not. Black tea stains teeth as much or more than other dark drinks, including wine and cola.

On the other hand, there are studies that ensure that excessive consumption of green tea can be considered a risk factor for periodontal disease. Therefore, it is not advisable to abuse.

Is tea bad for bones and teeth?

Another question related to the consumption of infusions. A study carried out in the city of Detroit (United States) wanted to understand why a group of patients had chronic pain in the bones of the hip, arms and legs.

After various tests it was concluded that these people had a good amount of fluoride in their blood. What were these high concentrations due to? To excessive intake of tea.

However, for teeth and other bones to weaken we must drink too much a day (about 5 cups, at least). It may seem like a fairly considerable amount, but there are people who, without realizing it, spend that proportion by consuming several infusions at different times of the day.

How to prevent tea from staining your teeth?

You don’t have to stop drinking tea forever if you want to show off gleaming white teeth. Nor to think that with each ingested cup we will be doing irreparable harm to our bones.

What we do have in our hands is the ability to reduce the amount of intakes if lately we are consuming too much.

Some tips that can help you not miss the opportunity to enjoy a delicious tea:

Do water rinses

Once you finish savoring your favorite infusion, rinse your mouth with water at room temperature. It would also be good if you drank a glass of water to wash the tannins out of your mouth.

Drink lighter tea

Do not leave the bag in the cup for a long time. When the water has barely stained, remove it. This way you will prevent it from being too strong and staining your teeth.

Drink lighter tea

Add milk or cream

A tea with milk or cream can be delicious and perfect for your mornings or your days at the office. And you will not be consuming the loaded infusion!

Don’t add sugar

As we already know, it is not good for our health. We recommend muscovado sugar or stevia. Thus the fact of drinking a tea will not be contributing to the formation of cavities.

Opt for green tea

Not only is it perfect for summer and winter and is used to lose weight, but it also stains the teeth less in relation to black tea.

Brush more

Once you have finished the tea you can brush well so that the compounds of the infusion do not fix to your teeth. To do this, make circular movements without exerting too much pressure because it damages the enamel.

Brush more

floss your teeth

It cannot be missing in your bag or toiletry bag. Teeth often become discolored at the edges and together with other pieces because that is where the brush cannot do its job.

As we mentioned at the beginning, in addition to following these recommendations and drinking tea in moderation, it is essential to visit the dentist regularly to ensure the health of our teeth.

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