Treatment Of Warts In The Armpits

Soft fibroids are often confused with warts, however, these are caused by a papilloma virus, therefore, they are contagious. We must take this into account with warts in the armpits, since by cutting and touching them they can spread.

While they are not a health risk, many wish to eliminate them in the same way. There are different ways to do this. Are you interested in knowing more about it? Next we will talk about the therapeutic variety of these injuries.

How do fibroids manifest on the skin?

Fibroids are benign bumps on the skin that are seen very frequently, and grow in typical areas such as the groin, armpits, inframammary folds, eyelids and neck. They do not usually give symptoms, although they can cause discomfort when catching with the collar of the shirt or some pendant.

Soft fibroids, when they are multiple and small, are called filiform. They are lesions that have a pedicle of the same color as the skin, or that tend to become hyperpigmented, that is, take a darker color.

Those that are unique are large, and can measure up to 5 centimeters or more. They abound in folds and in the body trunk. Sometimes they show inflammation after trauma. In this case, they can cause discomfort and bleed, and this is reason enough to remove them.

warts in the armpits and neck

Also read: Benign skin tumors: how do they manifest themselves?

In whom do we find warts in the armpits?

The cause of these skin manifestations is not yet known. They are more frequent in people with a genetic predisposition, in those over 30 years of age or with a high body mass index (BMI).

Hormonal factors are important, because they frequently arise or grow in pregnant women and patients with acromegaly, which is a systemic disorder linked to gigantism. Armpit warts have a higher incidence in men than in women.

Sometimes, they are an indication of some basic pathology of the person, such as insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. For this reason, even if we remove them, a medical check-up should be carried out to rule out their possible causes.

Diagnosis in the doctor’s office

Its correct diagnosis by a dermatologist is important, because there are other skin growths that may be similar. The difference with soft tissue tumors, intradermal nevi, neurofibromas and basal cell carcinomas is raised.

Soft fibroids or warts in the armpits are easy to diagnose in the doctor’s office. With just a simple exploration of the injury and the correct interrogation, they are cataloged.

In the event that these lesions are strangulated at their base, compressing the artery that supplies them, they will turn blackish. This color change requires more careful analysis with a biopsy.

What do we do with warts in the armpits?

Fibroids can be treated with any method that is destructive and that is carried out correctly by a specialist. As we already mentioned, they are not warts caused by HPV, so we should not try to eliminate them in our homes, with the anti-wart liquids that are sold in pharmacies, or other popular medications such as caustics or irritants.

These methods can cause infection, bleeding, or leave unwanted scars. It is important that lesions are checked by a qualified physician before they are removed. When they are removed in an office, a scab will be generated that then spontaneously comes off, leaving a reddish color that will disappear over time.

wart on skin

Treatment alternatives for soft fibroids

Some treatments that will quickly eliminate the injury are the following:

  • Surgery : they can be cut with surgical scissors or with a scalpel. The cut is flush with the skin. Depending on the size of the pedicle, it may or may not require stitches.
  • Electrocoagulation : by means of an electrical current the most superficial layers of the skin are burned. In this method, heat helps prevent bleeding.
  • Cryotherapy : it is the liquid freezing method. Using an aerosol, a small amount is placed on the lesion, then a blister will form, which will come off on its own when it becomes a scab.
  • Laser : high-energy light is emitted that causes blood vessels to clot, without causing damage to the surrounding tissue.

Always with a specialist

The presence of warts in the armpits is a cosmetic nuisance. The injury is not dangerous, and many believe that it can be removed at home. This approach should be avoided, and dermatologists must be consulted for appropriate treatment. Your medical professional will be able to tell you which method is best for your skin and for the condition of the injury in the armpit.

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