Tea Tree Oil To Fight Fleas And Ticks

Domestic animals are capable of bringing tranquility and joy to the home. However, if proper precautions are not taken, they can harbor fleas and ticks. For those cases, it is convenient to know a very effective remedy: tea tree oil.

In general, infestation by these parasites is quite common when you do not have the proper hygiene conditions. And sometimes, however clean pets are, they can be susceptible to invasion by these pesky animals.

During the summer season, due to the persistence of high temperatures, these parasites reproduce very easily.

Diseases transmitted by fleas and ticks

Flea on human skin.

The flea and the tick are small ectoparasites and always live in families. They feed mainly on the host’s blood, where they adhere to the skin and leave small pustules at the site of their teeth.

They are capable of creating an allergic process in humans that causes inflammation and itching at the site of the bite. The presence of these parasites in the home carries the risk of contracting some diseases that are quite harmful to humans.


Ehrlichiosis is one of these diseases and is transmitted by the tick. This pathology is fatal in pets and quite serious in humans. It manifests with fever, joint pain, and blood disorders. It can carry a risk of bleeding due to the decrease in platelets.

Bubonic plague

Bubonic plague is a disease transmitted by the flea. Its symptoms include high fever, inflammation of the cervical and axillary glands. It can also compromise the respiratory system, requiring emergency hospitalization.

Dermal disorders

Tea tree oil

A simple flea bite can cause allergic dermatitis. Vesicles or pustules superinfected by bacteria may also appear. It is necessary that we be vigilant and be vigilant in the presence of any of these unwanted guests.

To combat fleas and ticks, there are natural remedies that will help reduce the risks. The properties of tea tree oil help solve this problem. Here we will discuss the benefits and treatments with this natural oil.

What is tea tree oil?

The Melaleuca alternifolia – commonly called tea tree is a plant native to Australia. It is a small shrub with small, thin leaves, white flowers and a quite pleasant smell.

Tea tree oil is extracted from the plant, which has medicinal properties. In fact, it is believed that it can help fight acne.

Tea tree oil properties

The tea tree plant contains a clear essential oil. It stands out for its characteristic smell, as well as its multiple chemical components that give it its antibiotic and antiseptic properties.

It has a toxic effect when ingested, therefore its internal use in animals and humans is not recommended. The intense smell of this oil makes fleas and ticks fall from your animal’s skin. You will be able to observe them on the floor instantly or within minutes.

  • Apply a few drops of this oil to a cup of warm water (250 ml) and add the mixture to the shampoo for animals.
  • This will create an effective natural toner. Use it when showering your pet and you can watch fleas and ticks fall on the floor.

Is it used to fight ticks and fleas?

Dog taking bath

Yes, it is one of the options to both prevent and combat them  safely and naturally. Simply apply it as a spray on your pet’s fur for 15 to 20 minutes. Carry out this cleaning in an airy place in your home, and effectively fighting these parasites.

Be careful to apply the pure oil on your dog’s skin, it can cause serious allergic reactions. It is recommended that this treatment be applied daily for a week or until no fleas are seen.

It is recommended for use on clothes, furniture and mattresses in the house. It is a complement for home cleaning and you can use it weekly to keep the environment free of fleas and ticks.

A fairly simple method to eradicate that annoying problem from your home. This oil provides great benefits for the health of your family and your pet.

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