9 Nutrients To Reach 90 With A Healthy And Strong Heart

There are a number of essential nutrients that you can include in your diet, on a regular basis, to reach 90 years of age with a healthy and strong heart.

It is well known that reaching this age is of little use if you do not enjoy good health. Hence, one of the biggest (and best) objectives to meet that we can have, in our day to day, is to take care of ourselves as much as possible.

The idea is to ensure that longevity goes hand in hand with a true quality of life. Now, good health depends on many factors.

However, our diet undoubtedly determines whether we are able to enjoy an adequate weight, keep our cholesterol, blood pressure or sugar levels balanced. Eating well to live better is the magic formula in which we must invest, whenever possible.

We suggest that you start making changes  now, and that you include the following 9 nutrients in your diet that we will discuss with you. With them you will achieve a healthy heart.

1. Omega 3 and essential acids

Among all the proposals that the Mediterranean diet offers us, there are natural oils and fresh fish; from these, monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid) are obtained, essential nutrients to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides.

By including omega 3-based products in our diet, we will be able to prevent cardiovascular inflammation. Therefore, it is important that we take the time to delve into the benefits of adopting a Mediterranean diet.

oily fish to lose weight without losing energy

2. Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral to produce a type of energy that favors the relaxation of the muscles, especially the heart muscles. Maintaining adequate levels of magnesium will help us prevent strokes and heart attacks.

As a curious fact, we will tell you that, on average, it is women who suffer the most from the deficit of this mineral. Do not hesitate to consult with your doctor whether or not it is advisable to take dietary supplements that include magnesium.

3. Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 works in collaboration with magnesium, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc. An adequate balance of these nutrients will guarantee that we can reach old age with a healthier heart.

Now, it is important to know that coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant found in certain foods that is best consumed in moderation. In addition, it is important to always look for those that are of healthier, more organic origin. They would be the following:

  • Eggs.
  • Mackerel.
  • Sardine.
  • Salmon.
  • Chicken or turkey meat.

4. Vitamin D

vitamin D

The simple act of taking small but regular “sun baths” will help protect us from a variety of diseases, but many of them have to do, above all, with the heart.

You will find this nutrient in eggs, fish or even in some dairy products already enriched with vitamin D.

5. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that cannot be lacking in our diet if we want to reach our 90s in good shape. It prevents cell damage, reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and helps us have stronger and more flexible arteries.

Also, remember to prepare delicious salads in which you combine, for example, strawberries with spinach and walnuts or pieces of turkey breast with pomegranate or kiwi seeds.

6. Probiotics


You may have been surprised to see the probiotics in this list for taking care of the heart. Now, we must begin to take a little more into account our intestinal health. And is that something so dangerous, such as having a diseased bacterial flora, supposes a weaker immune system and, in turn, suffer systemic inflammation.

Poor intestinal health causes us to poorly absorb nutrients, and hence, serious and progressive problems for our heart.

7. Allicin

Allicin is a compound found in garlic, and it is what gives it that characteristic smell. In addition, it has a powerful effect on our heart and arterial health, since it allows us to relax the inflammation of the blood vessels and thus improve blood flow.

Do not hesitate to include garlic in your daily diet. To do this, you just have to gently crush them and reserve them for 5 minutes before including them in the dishes. In this way,  the effects of allicin are further enhanced.

8. Lycopene


Lycopene is a very important carotenoid to protect us against multiple heart diseases.

Thanks to the lycopene contained in tomatoes or carrots, we increase the flexibility of the arteries and improve the function of endothelial tissue to deal with arteriosclerosis.

More important nutrients: vitamin E

You will find vitamin E in avocados, spinach or almonds. This type of food has antioxidant and protective properties that will help us reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the levels of good cholesterol (HDL).

Now, always remember that it is necessary to maintain a proper balance with the rest of the nutrients. Having a magnesium or vitamin C deficiency can break that magic formula that takes so much care of your cardiovascular health.

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