4 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Artichoke

In addition to being a delight of our gastronomy, the artichoke is one of the foods with the most nutrients that we can consume today.

The first clue is offered by its flavor: it is slightly bitter, as well as fibrous. This already indicates that it is a very healthy type of vegetable for our liver.

It is rich in multiple vitamins, minerals and amino acids capable of restoring our internal balance so that it is reflected abroad,  in a tighter weight and, above all, in well-being.

Today in our space we want to invite you and your whole family to put it into practice:  You have to eat more artichokes!

1. Artichoke, very suitable for the liver

The artichoke leaf contains a very high supply of nutrients such as magnesium or potassium. In addition to that, there is that bitter taste that we told you about before.

Do you know why it is? To a substance called cynarin, which acts as an excellent natural aid for the liver:

  • Stimulates bile secretion.
  • It helps us digest fat.
  • Prevents jaundice.
  • Reduces inflammation of the liver.
  • It allows you to regenerate liver cells, purifying heavy metals and other toxic substances that interfere with their proper functioning.

However, and according to the journal “Plant Foods for Human Nutrition”, the hepatoprotective benefits of the artichoke must continue to be studied to know its real scope.

2. Very suitable to promote weight loss


The artichoke is part of those essential foods that will allow us to have a proper diet and, at the same time, effectively purify fats to lose weight.

  • It is not about consuming artichokes exclusively throughout the day, but that they serve as a complement.
    • Its vegetable fibers will help us reduce the sensation of appetite. Scientific literature shows the effects of fiber intake on the satiety mechanism.
    • The artichoke is also a very powerful diuretic, so that it will allow us to reduce the incidence of fluid retention and the annoying accumulation of toxins.
    • Nor can we forget that thanks to cynarin the production of bile is stimulated, which is very important to promote the synthesis and digestion of fats.

    3. Helps us treat diabetes

    This fact is also very interesting: the artichoke will allow us to balance the level of sugar in the blood, according to an article published in the journal “Nutrition & Diabetes”. In this way we avoid such dangerous increases for many diabetics.

    It is a type of vegetable very high in nutrients and, therefore, they will offer us energy and an adequate vitamin intake without the need to resort to foods rich in fat or sugar to obtain that vitality.

    If we combine the artichoke well with other foods, we will avoid the dangerous incidence of blood glucose peaks. It will remain stable and offer us a good quality of life.

    4. The artichoke helps us purify toxins

    This data is, without a doubt, the most appreciated by the majority of people used to consuming artichokes on a regular basis.

    This vegetable favors digestion and the absorption of nutrients, while it is capable of carrying away toxins and excess fats to break them down, and eliminate them through the urine.

    It takes care of our kidney and liver health, and is also one of the favorite foods for those who follow a vegetarian diet. They are very nutritious!

    Artichoke, lemon and red onion cleansing salad



    • 4 artichoke hearts.
    • ¼ of red onion.
    • A ripe tomato.
    • Low-fat fresh cheese.
    • 100 g of arugula.
    • A little oregano.
    • ½ lemon.
    • A little extra virgin olive oil.


    • The first thing we will have prepared will be the artichoke hearts, already boiled and very soft.
    • Then, cut the purple onion into very thin slices. It must be raw, in this way it gives us such suitable digestive enzymes.

    However, put the amount that best suits your body and that you know that it will not hurt you.

    • Wash the tomato, and dice the fresh cheese.
    • We already have all the ingredients ready. Now we just have to prepare the dish. Put the arugula as a base, then place the artichoke hearts and onion strips on top.
      • Add the fresh cheese and sprinkle a little oregano on top; it will give it a very original flavor.
      • Now, sauté the salad with the juice of half a lemon, and also add a little olive oil to taste.

      You will see how you like it. It is a very easy dish to prepare that can come in handy for lunch or lunch.

      To keep in mind!

      The artichoke is a vegetable that has the power to improve certain organic functions related to the liver. However, there is still a lack of studies that show its mechanisms of action and its possible benefits at the medicinal level.

      The consumption of artichokes, although it is positive for health, should not replace a varied and balanced diet.

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