Purple Garlic To Prevent Gynecological Problems

Garlic can be described as a plant with flat and thin leaves, ranging between 20 and 30 cm in size, and its roots easily reach depths of 50 cm or more, which makes it easy to plant at home. It commonly forms a head divided into segments that we usually call teeth , each head can bring with it an average of 8 to 10 teeth, each of which is wrapped in a thin layer of white or reddish color.

Now, do you know a little what garlic is, right? It is said that within the variety of benefits that it can have, garlic (purple or white) provides the body with natural antibiotics and its regular consumption helps us prevent many diseases.

A study carried out earlier this year by the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics has also revealed something very interesting:

  • “Including purple garlic in a woman’s diet is very beneficial for her health.

Purple garlic is easily differentiated from white garlic, obviously by its color. Its consumption is very common in Spain, but it can be found in several countries around the world. Its peculiarity is its spicy and stimulating flavor.

Next we will talk a little about the advantages and benefits of purple garlic that could help prevent gynecological problems.

The benefits of purple garlic


There are several types of garlic. In our space we have already talked, for example, about the tasty black garlic, which is very common in oriental cuisine. We now indicate what benefits purple garlic can have, compared to other types of garlic:

  • It has a higher concentration of organosulfur compounds. It is rich in sulfur, iodine, and silicon.
  • It also contains a very high level of allicin, a compound with antibiotic properties that gives it that particular smell and taste.
  • It is very rich in vitamin C, thiamine and riboflavin. These are antioxidants necessary for our general health.
  • Its flavor is intense, spicy and is highly appreciated in the gastronomy of different cultures. like for example the Asian and the South American.
  • This variety is widely used by natural medicine to make garlic capsules or extract.

As a fact: white garlic heads are larger than purple garlic heads and are made up of 10 or 12 cloves on average, they also have a whiter outer skin.

Benefits of purple garlic for women’s health


According to the aforementioned study, which was carried out in Madrid in 2013, shows that regular consumption of purple garlic is very positive for the general health of women. We explain why.

Pains during menstruation

The components of purple garlic, among which we can highlight allicin, can help relieve pain caused by menstruation. What it does is reduce inflammation, and also enhance the effect of any pain reliever you take. Thanks to this, as they explain to us in the study, we could regulate the use of drugs to relieve pain during premenstrual syndrome and during menstruation.

Relieves the effects produced by oral contraceptives

Thanks to its mineral, vitamin and antioxidant content, purple garlic can act as a modulator of the effects produced by oral contraceptives.

Thanks to its composition, it can act as a coagulation modulator and could help prevent:

  • Thrombosis.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Fluid retention.

Protection against gynecological cancer

The regular consumption of purple garlic allows us to be more protected against the proliferation of cancer cells, since its action prevents possible abnormal changes in cells and tissues of both the ovaries, the breast or the uterus.

Improves healing in operative processes

If you have undergone a cesarean section, or if you have undergone any gynecological intervention, the antibiotic action of garlic will be very beneficial to accelerate healing and make the wounds heal much earlier. However, remember that we can notice these effects as long as we have gotten used to consuming garlic every day.

It costs you nothing and does a lot for you!

Purple garlic supports our general health

  • Relieves varicose syndrome originated during pregnancy.
  • Regulates hypertension.
  • It protects us against seasonal diabetes, caused especially by pregnancy.
  • Purple garlic protects us against infections, fungi or parasites thanks to its high allicin content.
  • Regulates the level of bad cholesterol or LDL.

How should I consume purple garlic?

We clarify once again that, despite the differences between white and purple garlic, both are beneficial. If you cannot find the latter in your markets, don’t worry: you can consume that clove of white garlic every day in the same way to obtain its benefits.

How should I consume purple garlic?

Continuing along the lines of the same study, we can say that the recommended daily dose would be one clove of purple garlic a day.

  • We will take it in the morning , fasting when we get up, for a month.
  • After that, you can rest for two months and start over. As you can see, it does not require much effort.

If you are worried about the bad breath that you may have after having eaten that garlic clove, you can chew a little mint, or parsley.

You can also help yourself with a little lemon juice, and even have a sip of milk. Thanks to its natural fats, it can soothe bad breath caused by garlic.

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